AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2020-21 Group A, B, C Vacancy

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2020-21 Group A, B, C Vacancy

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2020-21 Group A, B, C Vacancy- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (AIIMS New Delhi) has invited Online Application Form for the post of Veterinary Officer (Group A) Chemist (Group A) Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist (Group A) & more posts. There is a total of 214 vacancies for this recruitment. You can check here important details such as- last date, exam date, and admit card date for Aiims Delhi online form -21 group a, b, c vacancy 2020-2021 in simple steps. The application started from date 21/Oct/2020. The last date to fill this form is- 19/Nov/2020, 05:00 PM so fill your form before 19/Nov/2020, 05:00 PM. Monthly PayScale(Salary) for this job will be -As per department rule. Age Limit for this post is - 45. Read instructions carefully to apply online for Veterinary Officer (Group A) Chemist (Group A) Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist (Group A) & more posts. Application Form. If you are interested in this job you can get important details below Like- Eligibility, Form Fee, Salary, etc. If you have any queries related to this job, please ask in the comment section.

AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2021

AIIMS दिल्ली भर्ती 2020-21 ग्रुप ए, बी, सी वेकेंसी- अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली (AIIMS नई दिल्ली) ने पशु चिकित्सा अधिकारी (ग्रुप ए) केमिस्ट (ग्रुप ए) नैदानिक ​​मनोवैज्ञानिक के पद के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किया है। / मनोवैज्ञानिक (ग्रुप ए) और अधिक पद। इस भर्ती के लिए कुल 214 रिक्तियां हैं। आप यहाँ पर महत्वपूर्ण विवरण जैसे- अंतिम तिथि, परीक्षा तिथि, और ऐमिस दिल्ली ऑनलाइन फॉर्म -21 समूह a, b, c रिक्ति 2020-2021 के लिए सरल चरणों में कार्ड की तारीख की जाँच कर सकते हैं। आवेदन दिनांक 21/अक्टूबर/2020 से शुरू हुआ। इस फॉर्म को भरने की अंतिम तिथि है - 19/नवंबर/2020, 05:00 PM इसलिए अपना फॉर्म 19 / Nov / 2020, 05:00 PM से पहले भरें। इस नौकरी के लिए मासिक पे-स्केल (वेतन) प्रति विभाग नियम के अनुसार होगा। इस पद के लिए आयु सीमा है - 45. पशु चिकित्सा अधिकारी (समूह ए) केमिस्ट (ग्रुप ए) नैदानिक ​​मनोवैज्ञानिक / मनोवैज्ञानिक (समूह ए) और अधिक पदों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के लिए निर्देशों को ध्यान से पढ़ें। आवेदन पत्र। यदि आप इस नौकरी में रुचि रखते हैं, तो आप नीचे दिए गए महत्वपूर्ण विवरण प्राप्त कर सकते हैं जैसे- पात्रता, फॉर्म शुल्क, वेतन, आदि। यदि आपके पास इस नौकरी से संबंधित कोई प्रश्न हैं, तो कृपया टिप्पणी अनुभाग में पूछें।

Job Location - Delhi

Post Name

  • Veterinary Officer (Group A)
  • Chemist (Group A)
  • Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist (Group A)
  • General Duty Medical Officer (Group A)
  • Scientist I (Group A)
  • Scientist II (CRU) (Group A)
  • Scientist II (CCRF) (Group A)
  • Scientist-II (Gastroenterology) (Group A)
  • Senior Chemist (Group A)
  • Senior Technical Editor (Group A)
  • Welfare Officer (Group A)
  • Assistant Dietician (Group B)
  • Ophthalmic Technician Grade I (Group B)
  • Librarian Grade III (Group B)
  • Assistant Stores Officer (Group B)
  • Statistical Assistant (Group B)
  • Technical Assistant (ENT) (Group B)
  • Junior Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist (Group B)
  • Technician (Radio Therapy) Grade II (Group B)
  • Donor Organizer (Group B)
  • Physical Training Instructor (Group B)
  • Store Keeper (Drugs) (Group B)
  • Programmer (Group B)
  • Jr. Engineer (A/C & Ref) (Group B)
  • Technician (Radiology) (Group B)
  • Vocational Counsellor (Group B)
  • Bariatric Co-ordinator (Group B)
  • Genetic Counsellor (Group B)
  • Workshop Assistant (CWS) (Group C)
  • Dental Technician Grade II (Group C)
  • Workshop Technician Grade II (R&AL) (Group C)
  • Driver Ordinary Grade (Group C)
  • Receptionist (Group C)
  • Multipurpose Worker (Group C)
  • Junior Photographer (Group C)
  • Deputy General Manager (Cafeteria) (Group C)
  • Junior Medical Lab Technologist (Group C)
  • Draftsman Grade III (Group C)
  • Technician (Telephone) Grade IV (Group C)

You can get Detailed Description Step By Step below-

Important details | Vacancy | Selection Process

Total Vacancy(कुल रिक्ति) 214
Pay Scale(वेतनमान) per department rule
Age Limit(आयु सीमा) Max - 45 Years
Selection Process(चयन प्रक्रिया) Interview

Important Dates | Form Last Date

Application Opening Date(आवेदन शुरू होने की तारीख) 21/Oct/2020
Application Closing Date(आवेदन समाप्ति तिथि) 19/Nov/2020, 05:00 PM
Fee Payment Last Date(शुल्क भुगतान अंतिम तिथि) 19/Nov/2020

Application Fee

General(सामान्य) Rs.1500/-
EWS(आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर) Rs.1500/-
OBC(अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग) Rs.1500/-
SC(अनुसूचित जाति) Rs.1200/-
ST(अनुसूचित जनजाति) Rs.1200/-
Payment Mode(भुगतान का प्रकार) Pay the exam fee through Debit,Credit card & online banking.

Eligibility Criteria


Veterinary Officer (Group A)
Qualification : Degree in Veterinary Science
Chemist (Group A)
Qualification : M.Sc. Degree in Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry
Qualification : Pharmacology
Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist (Group A)
Qualification : M.Phil (Clinical Psychology)
Qualification : Master Degree Psychology with Experimental Psychology
General Duty Medical Officer (Group A)
Qualification : Medical Qualification
Scientist I (Group A)
Qualification : M.Sc in the relevant subject
Scientist II (CRU) (Group A)
Qualification : Ph.D
Experience : 1 year research experience
Scientist II (CCRF) (Group A)
Qualification : Ph.D
Experience : 1 year research experience
Scientist-II (Gastroenterology) (Group A)
Qualification : Ph.D in Gastro
Qualification : HNU/Biochemistry/Biotechnology
Senior Chemist (Group A)
Qualification : Master Degree in Chemistry with Organic Chemistry as special subject/Biochemistry
Qualification : Pharmacology
Senior Technical Editor (Group A)
Qualification : Master Degree in Science, Arts
Qualification : Business Management
Welfare Officer (Group A)
Qualification : Graduate
Assistant Dietician (Group B)
Qualification : M.Sc. (Food and Nutrition)
Ophthalmic Technician Grade I (Group B)
Qualification : B.Sc. in Ophthalmic Techniques
Qualification : Equivalent
Librarian Grade III (Group B)
Qualification : B.Sc. Degree
Qualification : Equivalent
Assistant Stores Officer (Group B)
Qualification : Master/Bachelor Degree in Economics/Commerce/Statistics
Statistical Assistant (Group B)
Qualification : M.Sc. (Statistics)/MA (Stats/Maths/Economics/Sociology) with Statistics
Technical Assistant (ENT) (Group B)
Qualification : B.Sc. Degree in Speech and Hearing
Junior Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist (Group B)
Qualification : Inter (Science) and Degree in Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy
Technician (Radio Therapy) Grade II (Group B)
Qualification : B.Sc./Diploma in Radiotherapy Technology
Donor Organizer (Group B)
Qualification : MA in Social Work
Physical Training Instructor (Group B)
Qualification : Intermediate. Diploma/Degree in Physical Education
Store Keeper (Drugs) (Group B)
Qualification : Degree in Pharmacy
Programmer (Group B)
Qualification : BE/B.Tech (Comp. Science/Comp. Engg)
Qualification : PG in Science/Maths etc
Qualification : PG in Computer Application
Jr. Engineer (A/C & Ref) (Group B)
Qualification : 3 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Technician (Radiology) (Group B)
Qualification : B.Sc. (Hons.) in Radiology
Qualification : B.Sc. Radiography
Vocational Counsellor (Group B)
Qualification : Bachelor in Rehabilitation Science (Vocational Counsellor)
Bariatric Co-ordinator (Group B)
Qualification : Bachelor Degree in any discipline
Genetic Counsellor (Group B)
Qualification : Master Degree in Human Genetics
Workshop Assistant (CWS) (Group C)
Qualification : 10th
Qualification : Diploma in the relevant trades
Dental Technician Grade II (Group C)
Qualification : 10th
Qualification : Diploma/Certificate in Dental Mechanic
Qualification : Maxillo-facial Prosthesis and Orthodontic appliances
Workshop Technician Grade II (R&AL) (Group C)
Qualification : Diploma in Prosthetic and Orthotics Engineering
Qualification : 10th with ITI in relevant trades
Driver Ordinary Grade (Group C)
Qualification : 10th with Valid Driving License
Receptionist (Group C)
Qualification : Degree and PG Diploma in Journalism/Public Relation
Multipurpose Worker (Group C)
Qualification : 10th
Junior Photographer (Group C)
Qualification : 10+2 and Diploma/Certificate in Photography
Deputy General Manager (Cafeteria) (Group C)
Qualification : 10+2 and Diploma/Certificate in Photography
Qualification : Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management/Hotel Management & Catering Technology
Junior Medical Lab Technologist (Group C)
Qualification : 10+2 with Science Subjects (Physics, Chemistry
Qualification : Biology/Biotechnology)
Draftsman Grade III (Group C)
Qualification : 10th
Qualification : 2 years Diploma/Certificate in Civil Draughtsmanship
Technician (Telephone) Grade IV (Group C)
Qualification : 10th
Qualification : 2 years Practical experience in repair and Maintenance or PABX/PBX exchange

Vacancy Details

Vacancy Details:

Post NameVacancy
Veterinary Officer (Group A)

[Total - 01]

Chemist (Group A)

[Total - 02]

Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist (Group A)

[Total - 01]

General Duty Medical Officer (Group A)

[Total - 04]

Scientist I (Group A)

[Total - 16]

Scientist II (CRU) (Group A)

[Total - 10]

Scientist II (CCRF) (Group A)

[Total - 08]

Scientist-II (Gastroenterology) (Group A)

[Total - 02]

Senior Chemist (Group A)

[Total - 01]

Senior Technical Editor (Group A)

[Total - 01]

Welfare Officer (Group A)

[Total - 01]

Assistant Dietician (Group B)

[Total - 10]

Ophthalmic Technician Grade I (Group B)

[Total - 04]

Librarian Grade III (Group B)

[Total - 03]

Assistant Stores Officer (Group B)

[Total - 01]

Statistical Assistant (Group B)

[Total - 04]

Technical Assistant (ENT) (Group B)

[Total - 02]

Junior Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist (Group B)

[Total - 33]

Technician (Radio Therapy) Grade II (Group B)

[Total - 03]

Donor Organizer (Group B)

[Total - 01]

Physical Training Instructor (Group B)

[Total - 02]

Store Keeper (Drugs) (Group B)

[Total - 02]

Programmer (Group B)

[Total - 02]

Jr. Engineer (A/C & Ref) (Group B)

[Total - 02]

Technician (Radiology) (Group B)

[Total - 04]

Vocational Counsellor (Group B)

[Total - 03]

Bariatric Co-ordinator (Group B)

[Total - 01]

Genetic Counsellor (Group B)

[Total - 01]

Workshop Assistant (CWS) (Group C)

[Total - 07]

Dental Technician Grade II (Group C)

[Total - 03]

Workshop Technician Grade II (R&AL) (Group C)

[Total - 04]

Driver Ordinary Grade (Group C)

[Total - 10]

Receptionist (Group C)

[Total - 13]

Multipurpose Worker (Group C)

[Total - 10]

Junior Photographer (Group C)

[Total - 05]

Deputy General Manager (Cafeteria) (Group C)

[Total - 03]

Junior Medical Lab Technologist (Group C)

[Total - 32]

Draftsman Grade III (Group C)

[Total - 01]

Technician (Telephone) Grade IV (Group C)

[Total - 01]

Post NameAge Limit
Veterinary Officer (Group A) 35 Years
Chemist (Group A) 30 Years
Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist (Group A) 35 Years
General Duty Medical Officer (Group A) 30 Years
Scientist I (Group A) 45 Years
Scientist II (CRU) (Group A) 45 Years
Scientist II (CCRF) (Group A) 45 Years
Scientist-II (Gastroenterology) (Group A) 45 Years
Senior Chemist (Group A) 30 Years
Senior Technical Editor (Group A) 30 Years
Welfare Officer (Group A) 30 Years
Assistant Dietician (Group B) 35 Years
Ophthalmic Technician Grade I (Group B) 30 Years
Librarian Grade III (Group B) 30 Years
Assistant Stores Officer (Group B) 30 Years
Statistical Assistant (Group B) 30 Years
Technical Assistant (ENT) (Group B) 35 Years
Junior Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist (Group B) 30 Years
Technician (Radio Therapy) Grade II (Group B) 30 Years
Donor Organizer (Group B) 30 Years
Physical Training Instructor (Group B) 30 Years
Store Keeper (Drugs) (Group B) 30 Years
Programmer (Group B) 30 Years
Jr. Engineer (A/C & Ref) (Group B) 30 Years
Technician (Radiology) (Group B) 30 Years
Vocational Counsellor (Group B) 35 Years
Bariatric Co-ordinator (Group B) 30 Years
Genetic Counsellor (Group B) 30 Years
Workshop Assistant (CWS) (Group C) 30 Years
Dental Technician Grade II (Group C) 30 Years
Workshop Technician Grade II (R&AL) (Group C) 30 Years
Receptionist (Group C) 30 Years
Multipurpose Worker (Group C) 30 Years
Junior Photographer (Group C) 30 Years
Deputy General Manager (Cafeteria) (Group C) 30 Years
Junior Medical Lab Technologist (Group C) 27 Years
Draftsman Grade III (Group C) 30 Years
Technician (Telephone) Grade IV (Group C) 30 Years

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