Customer Service Representative (CSR) Salary NYC, New York (Entry – Senior)

The Customer Service Representatives (CSR) salary in New York is $51,470 a year, or $24.74 an hour. According to the study and data, women typically earn 96-98% of men’s CSR salaries in New York (NY). The monthly salary for a Customer Service Representative (CSR) in the city is $4,289. NYC salaries are 25.68% higher than the national average for Customer Service Representatives (CSR). Starting salaries in New York City are $41,220 a year, while entry-level positions pay a Customer Service Representative (CSR) $43,768. For experienced professionals, the salary for Customer Service Representatives (CSR) jumps to $63,540.

Please see the information below for more details on Customer Service Representatives’ (CSR) salaries in NYC.

Top Paying Sectors for Customer Service Representatives (CSR) Salary in NYC

The mean CSR salary in New York City comprises 89% base salary and up to 11% additional compensation. The top-paying sectors in NYC are Merchandise Retailers, Support Services, Agencies and Insurance, and Credit Intermediations. As per the cost of living for a single person, the CSR salary is sufficient, but after post-tax, the expense for a the standard cost of living with a family of 4 is more than the salary.

Year of Experience Salary
1 $41,000
2 $44,200
3 $47,400
4 $50,600
5 $53,800
6 $57,000
7 $60,200
8 $63,400
9 $66,600
10+ $69,800

Top Paying Jobs Customer Service Representatives (CSR) Salary in New York City (NYC)

New York City’s Customer Service Representatives (CSR) sector employs around 145K employees across the US. It’s one of the largest employment sectors, with thousands of CSR employees in New York City alone, working in various organizations and sectors. Some of the top-paying companies are as follows:

Company CSR Salary 
Amazon $54,370
Microsoft $56,350
American Express $57,310
Apple $58,780
Facebook $59,660
IBM $62,270
Google $62,570

Comparing NYC Customer Service Representatives (CSR) Salary to Top US Cities

New York City boasts the 4th highest Customer Service Representative (CSR) salary in the US at $58,400 annually, according to Sarkari Naukri Exams. However, San Jose, California, reigns supreme with a staggering Customer Service Representative (CSR) salary of $65,690 per year. Other top earners include San Francisco, Seattle, and Boston.

Customer Service Representatives (CSR) Salary in Top Paying States US

Some states in the US have top CSR salaries, like DC, Massachusetts, Washington, and New York. But remember a hefty paycheck doesn’t automatically translate to a better life. These places might have higher salaries, but groceries, housing, and other expenses might be pricier too.

Skills to Boost Customer Service Representatives (CSR) Salary in NYC

Strong communication, teamwork, and adaptability, combined with relevant certifications and a well-chosen field of study, can significantly increase your earning potential.

Customer Service Representative Salary New York - Top FAQs

⭐How much Customer Service Representative make in New York?

Customer Service Representatives make $51,470 per year in New York.

⭐What's a Customer Service Representative Salary in NYC per hour?

In NYC, a Customer Service Representative can get $28.50 per hour.

⭐What's the CSR Salary in New York per month?

The monthly CSR Salary in New York is $4,289.

⭐How much top 10% of Customer Service Representatives earn?

Top 10% earns more than $63K per year as CSR.



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