DRDO CEPTAM 10 A&A Syllabus 2025, Download AA Exam Pattern PDF Now (Tier 1 & 2)

The Defense Ministry’s DRDO has released a new application form for the CEPTAM-10/A&A advertisement. The 2024 CEPTAM exam syllabus, which is based on 10th and 12th grade level courses, has been announced. This syllabus applies to various positions like JTOs, stenographers, administrative assistants, store assistants, security assistants, vehicle operators, fire engine drivers, and firemen.

To do well in the A&A Tier 1 & 2 exams, it’s important to know the syllabus. The DRDO CEPTAM A&A Syllabus for 2024 has some changes from last year. You can find the updated detailed syllabus for the DRDO CEPTAM 10 AA below.

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DRDO CEPTAM 10 A&A Syllabus 2025

It's important to have an idea about the post name and its postcode. This will help to understand the DRDO CEPTAM AA Syllabus properly.


(0301) Junior Translator Officer (JTO) 

(0401) Stenographer Grade 1 (English Typing)

(0501) Stenographer Grade 2 (English Typing)

(0601) Administrative Assistant ‘A’ (English Typing)

(0602) Administrative Assistant ‘A’ (Hindi Typing)

(0701) Store Assistant ‘A’ (English Typing)

(0702) Store Assistant ‘A’ (Hindi Typing)

(0801) Security Assistant ‘A’

(0901) Vehicle Operator ‘A’

(1001) Fire Engine Driver ‘A’ 

(1101) Fireman 


☛ Current Affairs (Olympics)

 DRDO Current Affairs (Feb)

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☛ DRDO Current Affairs (OCT)

DRDO Syllabus CEPTAM 10 2024: A&A Selection Process

It's important to have an idea about the post name and its postcode. This will help to understand the DRDO CEPTAM AA Syllabus properly.

The candidate selection process consists of two tiers, and candidates must pass both exams. The first tier is a Computer Based Test (CBT) that assesses the candidate’s academic knowledge. The DRDO CEPTAM 10 A&A syllabus for the CBT exam is split into two parts, depending on the post. The second tier includes Trade/Skill/Physical Fitness and Capability Tests as per the standards. To be finally selected, candidates must pass both exams. The Trade/Skill Test will be conducted as per Computer/Dictation norms. After the Physical Test and document verification, the candidate will be invited to join.


Tier 1: Computer-Based Test  All POSTS

Tier 2: Trade/Skill/Physical Fitness and Capability Test, wherever applicable. EXCEPT (JTO)

Descriptive: Translation and Essay  ONLY (JTO)

Physical Test  ONLY (FIREMAN)

Document Verification  All POSTS

DRDO CEPTAM 10 AA Syllabus 2025: TIER 1 Exam Pattern


[ Event ]  [ Details ]
Organization (संगठन) DRDO
Exam Mode (परीक्षा मोड) Online Exam
Exam Level (परीक्षा स्तर) 10th & 12th
Exam Type (परीक्षा का प्रकार) वस्तुनिष्ठ (MCQ) Type
Paper Medium (पेपर माध्यम) Hindi & English (Except English & Hindi Paper)
Total Question (कुल प्रश्न) 75 All | 80 JTO
Total Time (कुल समय) 60 मिनट
Total Marks (कुल अंक) 75 All | 80 JTO
Subjects Name (विषय नाम) EXCEPT (JTO) Quantitative, Reasoning, General Awareness, General English
Subjects Name (विषय नाम) (JTO) General Hindi & English
Cut Off Marks (कट ऑफ मार्क्स) UR & OBC: 40% | SC/ST: 35%

All Post (Except JTO) प्रश्न और अंक

विषय प्रश्न अंक
Quantitative (मात्रात्मक) 75


Reasoning (रीजनिंग)
General Awareness (सामान्य जागरूकता)
General English (सामान्य अंग्रेजी)

ONLY JTO प्रश्न और अंक

विषय प्रश्न अंक
General Hindi (सामान्य हिन्दी) 40 40
General English (सामान्य अंग्रेजी) 40 40
TIER 2 Translation and Essay (अनुवाद और निबंध) 200 200

NOTE 1 There will be no negative marking in CEPTAM A& A Paper. (CEPTAM A & A पेपर में कोई नकारात्मक अंकन नहीं होगा)

NOTE 2 Candidates will be provisionally shortlisted based on Tier-I examination merit in a ratio of 1:8 to the number of posts. (उम्मीदवारों को पदों की संख्या के 1:8 के अनुपात में टीयर- I परीक्षा योग्यता के आधार पर अनंतिम रूप से शॉर्टलिस्ट किया जाएगा।)

DRDO CEPTAM A&A Exam Pattern & Syllabus Details

The DRDO CEPTAM Tier 1 computer-based test is segmented into two sections. The syllabus for section 1 is intended for Stenographer Grade 2, Administrative Assistant A & Store Assistant, while the syllabus for section 2 is designed for Security Assistant ‘A’, Clerk, Assistant Halwai-cum Cook, Vehicle Operator, Fire Engine Driver, and Fireman.

All questions in the Tier 1 CBT will be objective type, and one mark will be awarded for each correct answer. The CBT question paper will consist of 75 questions and provide a time frame of 01 hour. The subjects covered include Quantitative ability/aptitude, General Intelligence & Reasoning ability, General awareness, General Science, Arithmetic & Numerical Ability, English & General Hindi.

NOTE 3 If in case two candidates secure the same marks in the Tier 1 Exam. In such cases following criteria will be used to resolve issues.

1: Date of Birth (DOB), In the Merit list older candidates, are placed higher.

2: Alphabetical Order (English Language) in which the names of the candidates are displayed.

DRDO Syllabus CEPTAM TIER 1 Exam: Detailed Topic

DRDO CEPTAM CBT Syllabus: The purpose of the exam syllabus is to assess in-depth knowledge. The majority of the questions are designed to assess the applicant's mental capacity. Each question has a time frame of less than one minute. Short intervals are used to check the response time.

DRDO CEPTAM 10 A&A Syllabus 2025: Quantitative Ability/Aptitude

  1. Statement and Arguments
  2. Statement and Assumptions
  3. Statement and Conclusions
  4. Course Of Action
  5. Passage and Conclusions
  6. Assertion & Reason
  7. Cause & Effects
  8. Syllogism

DRDO CEPTAM 10 A&A Syllabus: General Awareness/General Science


    1. Mechanics
    2. Heat
    3. Sound
    4. Light
    5. Electricity & Magnetism
    6. Modern Physics
    7. Electronic Devices & Communication


    1. Nature and composition of substances
    2. Atomic Structure
    3. Radioactivity
    4. Chemical Bonding
    5. Oxidation& Reduction
    6. Acid, Base & Salt
    7. Properties of Gases
    8. Catalyst
    9. Thermodynamics & Energetic
    10. Periodic Classification of Elements
    11. Solution
    12. Electrolytes & Electrochemistry
    13. Surface Chemistry
    14. Metals & Their Compounds
    15. Non -Metals & Their Compounds
    16. Hydrocarbons & Their Derivatives
    17. Biomolecules
    18. Chemistry in Everyday Life


    1. Botany & Branches
    2. Classification Of Plant Kingdom
    3. Micro Organism
    4. Morphology of Plant
    5. Plant Physiology
    6. Plant
    7. Plant Tissue
    8. Plant Diseases
    9. Branch of Zoology
    10. Classification of Animal Kingdom
    11. Human Physiology
    12. Human
    13. Cytology
    14. Animal Tissue
    15. Health Disease & Nutrition
    16. Genetics
    17. Evolution
    18. Ecology
    19. Pollution
    20. Scientists
    21. Biodiversity & Wild Life


    1. General Introduction
    2. Development Of Computer
    3. Input & Output Devices
    4. Memory
    5. Personal Computer (PC)
    6. Data Representation
    7. Data Communication
    8. Internet
    9. Microsoft Window
    10. Microsoft Office

DRDO CEPTAM 10 Syllabus: Arithmetic/Numerical Ability

    1. Data Interpretation /DI (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Pie Chart)
    2. Inequalities (Quadratic Equations)
    3. Number Series
    4. Approximation and Simplification
    5. Data Sufficiency
    6. HCF
    7. LCM
    8. Profit and Loss
    9. Simple Interest (SI)
    10. Compound Interest (CI)
    11. Problem on Ages
    12. Work and Time
    13. Number system
    14. Speed Distance and Time
    15. Probability
    16. Mensuration
    17. Permutation and Combination
    18. Average
    19. Ratio
    20. Proportion
    21. Partnership
    22. Problems on Boats and Stream
    23. Problems on Trains
    24. Mixture and Allegation
    25. Pipes and Cisterns

DRDO CEPTAM 10 AA Syllabus: General Intelligence & Reasoning

    1. Puzzles & Seating Arrangements
    2. Direction Sense/Logical Sense
    3. Blood-Relation
    4. Syllogism / Logical Argument
    5. Order and Ranking
    6. Coding-Decoding
    7. Machine Input-Output
    8. Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
    9. Alphabet Related Questions/Alphabetical Understanding

DRDO CEPTAM 10 AA Syllabus: General English

    1. Voice
    2. Modals
    3. Kinds Of Sentences & Clauses
    4. Clause Analysis
    5. Question Tag
    6. Noun
    7. Pronoun
    8. Adjective
    9. Verb (Finite/Non-Finite Verbs)
    10. Adverb
    11. Preposition
    12. Conjunction
    13. Interjection
    14. Phrasal Verbs
    15. Idioms & Phrases
    16. Spotting Errors ( Mixed Type)
    17. One Word Substitution
    18. Word With Meanings
    19. Synonyms & Antonyms
    20. Punctuation
    21. Spelling Rules
    22. Contradiction

DRDO AA Syllabus 2025: English Language Test

    1. Reading Comprehension
    2. Para Jumble
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Spotting Error
    5. Replacement
    6. Fill in the blanks

DRDO AA Syllabus 2025: Hindi Language Test

    1. भाषा
    2. व्याकरण
    3. वर्ण-विचार
    4. शब्द-विचार
    5. वाक्य विचार
    6. संज्ञा
    7. सर्वनाम
    8. क्रिया
    9. काल
    10. विशेषण
    11. अव्यय
    12. लिंग
    13. उपसर्ग
    14. संधि
    15. संधि विच्छेद
    16. कारक
    17. प्रत्यय
    18. मुहावरा
    19. समास
    20. वचन
    21. अलंकार
    22. विलोम
    23. संख्याएँ
    24. अनेकार्थी शब्द
    25. एकार्थक शब्द
    26. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
    27. लोकोक्तियाँ
    28. धातु
    29. शब्दों की अशुद्धियाँ
    30. वाच्य
    31. सारांश
    32. पर्यायवाची शब्द
    33. वाक्य-शुद्धि

DRDO CEPTAM Question Paper & Exam Preparation-

For the latest Test - CLICK HERE

DRDO Administrative Assistant, Stenographer, Security, Store, Fireman Syllabus: Skill Test

The DRDO CEPTAM 10 syllabus for the positions of fireman, store assistant, administrative assistant, and others is mentioned above. Candidates must pass a skill test to be eligible for the computer-based exam. Here, specific information regarding trade, skill, physical fitness, and capability testing for various posts is mentioned, as appropriate.


Typing Test 10 minutes
Typing Speed 80 words per minute
English Transcription Time 50 Minutes (On Computer)


Typing Test 10 minutes
Typing Speed 30 words per minute


Typing Test 10 minutes
Typing Speed 35 words per minute

Administrative Assistant ‘A’  HINDI TYPING (ON COMPUTER)

Typing Test 10 minutes
Typing Speed 30 words per minute

Administrative Assistant ‘A’  ENGLISH TYPING (ON COMPUTER)

Typing Test 10 minutes
Typing Speed 35 words per minute


Physical fitness (check from below) and endurance.

Fire Engine Driver ‘A’

  • Valid Driving License (DL) for these-
  1. Two/Three wheelers
  2. Light vehicles
  3. Heavy vehicles
  • Traffic rules & regulations knowledge.
  • Physical fitness and inner strength to perform the duty

Vehicle Operator ‘A’

  • Valid DL for the following-
  1. Two/Three wheelers
  2. Light vehicles
  3. Heavy vehicles.
  • Basic knowledge of motor mechanisms.
  • 3 Years of motor car driving experience

Asstt Halwai-cum Cook

  • Two years experience in cooking in a govt/semi govt/other organizations.

Clerk (Canteen Manager Grade-III)

  • Typing speed (English)- 30 words per minute


  • Typing speed (Hindi)- 25 words per minute


  • Computer Data Entry- 8000 key depressions per hour
  • Two years experience in Canteen Management in a govt/semi govt/other organizations.

Security Assistant ‘A’

  • Physical fitness and capability to undertake strenuous duties.

DRDO CEPTAM 10: Physical Standards

Minimum physical standards are required for Males and Females.

Parameter Male Female
Height 165 cm 157 cm
Chest (Unexpanded) 81 cm NA
Chest (Expanded) 85 cm NA
Weight 50 kg 45 kg

NOTE:- Physical Standards & Medical Test is only for Security Assistant ‘A’, Fire Engine Driver ‘A & Fireman posts.

DRDO CEPTAM 10:  Medical Standards

Vision (Male & Female)

Vision Parameter Requirement
Distant Vision 6x6 norm/natural mode
Near Vision Normal
Full-Field Vision Must have full-field vision
Color Blindness Must not have color blindness
Light Blindness Must not have light blindness

Physical Endurance (withstand) Test (Male)

Test Name Requirement
Running Distance 1.600 km
Running Time 07 minutes
Weight Carry (Only for Fireman) 63.5 kgs
Weight Carry Distance (Only for Fireman) 183 meters
Weight Carry Time (Only for Fireman) 96 seconds
Rope Climbing Vertical 03 meters
Sit-Ups 20
Long Jump 2.7 meters wide ditch & landing on both feet (in only 3 attempts)

Physical Endurance (withstand) Test (Female)

Test Name Requirement
Running Distance 0.8 km
Running Time 05 minutes
Weight Carry (Only for Fireman) 63.5 kgs
Weight Carry Distance (Only for Fireman) 183 meters
Weight Carry Time (Only for Fireman) 96 seconds
Rope Climbing Vertical 2.5 meters
Sit-ups or Long Jump 20 sit-ups or 2.0 meters long jump (in only 3 attempts)

NOTE-10% relaxation will be given in physical standard for 40-year+ age candidates.



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