HPSSSB Various Positions Notification: 2018

HPSSSB Various Positions Notification: 2018

There are total 1089 vacancies for this recruitment. Application started from date 05/Jul/2018, 12:00 AM. Last date to fill this form is - 04/Aug/2018, 12:00 AM so fill your form before 04/Aug/2018, 12:00 AM. Monthly PayScale(Salary) for this job will be -candidate will get pay 5910-34,800-/ per month.₹. You can download this job detail by saving as pdf on your mobile/laptop device for future reference. If you are interested in this job you can get important details below Like- Eligibility, Form Fee, Salary etc. If you have any query related to this job, please ask in comment section.

You can get Detailed Description Step By Step below-

Important details | Vacancy | Selection Process

Total Vacancy(Total Vacancy) 1089
Pay Scale(Pay Scale) Rs.candidate will get pay 5910-34,800-/ per month.
Age Limit(Age Limit) 18-45 Years
Selection Process(Selection Process) Candidate will be selected based on Written Exam/Skills Test/Physical test

Important Dates | Form Last Date

Application Opening Date(Application Opening Date) 05/Jul/2018, 12:00 AM
Application Closing Date(Application Closing Date) 04/Aug/2018, 12:00 AM

Application Fee

General(General) Rs.360
OBC(OBC) Rs.120
SC(SC) Rs.120
ST(ST) Rs.120
Payment Mode(Payment Mode) Pay the exam fee through Debit/Credit card & online banking

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates those who are interested should have passed 10th/12th from the recognized Board/University and must have complete Post Graduate / Engineering / Degree / Diploma from any recognized university/Organization.  

Age limit

Candidates Age should be in between 18-45 Years and Age relaxation will be as per dept. and Government rules.

Vacancy Details

Post Name and Vacancies:
  1. Elementary Education – 132 Posts
  2. Health Service – 102 Posts
  3. Dental Health Service – 64 Posts
  4. Health Safety & Regulation – 19 Posts
  5. Social Justice & Empowerment – 03 Posts
  6. Transport – 03 Posts
  7. Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs – 04 Posts
  8. HP Secretariat – 156 Posts
  9. Information & Public Relations – 08 Posts
  10. Agriculture – 32 Posts
  11. HPSEBL – 222 Posts
  12. BBNDA – 01 Post
  13. TCP – 01 Post
  14. Panchavati Raj – 03 Posts
  15. Ayurveda – 08 Posts
  16. HPSEBL – 08 Posts
  17. HP State Pollution Control Board – 12 Posts
  18. Labour & Employment – 03 Posts
  19. HP State Pollution Control Board – 03 Posts
  20. ABVI of Mountaineering and Allied Sports – 04 Posts
  21. Horticulture – 05 Posts
  22. Youth Service & Sports – 07 Posts
  23. Local Audit – 04 Posts
  24. Various Deptt – 39  Posts
  25.  IPR – 10 Posts
  26. Industries – 02 Posts
  27. HPSEBL – 23 Posts
  28. HP Institute of Public ADMINISTRATION – 02 Posts
  29. HPPWD – 142  Posts
  30. Economic Advisor – 01 Post
  31. Ayurveda – 66 Posts

How to apply:

Candidates those who are interested may check the official notification and apply application through online mode from 05th July 2018 to 04th August 2018. Candidates need to visit official website http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in to apply directly.

Candidates will see below page, once they will visit above official website.


for Application submission, candidates need to click on "Apply Online" and apply for the interested position.

Candidates may follow below provided Application Direct link for submit the application.


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HIMACHAL PRADESH STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION HAMIRPUR DISTT. HAMIRPUR (H.P.)-177001 Advertisement No. 34-1/2018 Dated: Website: http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in Opening date for submission of Online Recruitment Application Form (ORA): 05.07.2018 Closing date for submission of Online Recruitment Application Form (ORA) : 04.08.2018 till 11:59 PM Online Applications are invited for direct recruitment of under mentioned categories of posts using the website of Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission i.e. http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in. The online application can be filled up from 05.07.2018 to 04.08.2018 till 11.59 PM, thereafter website link will be disabled. The candidates are strictly advised to apply online well in advance to avoid rush during closing dates of submission of Online Recruitment Applications. No offline Application Form will be accepted by the Commission. The downloaded copy of the online application form along with necessary original certificates and self attested photocopies must be brought at the time of documentation/Evaluation for 15 marks. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION(S) AND EXPERIENCE ETC. Date for determining eligibility of all candidates in respect of Essential Qualification(s) and Experience, if any, etc. shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of On Line Recruitment Application Form (ORA) i.e. 04.08.2018 till 11.59PM. Age: The minimum and maximum age limit of 18 to 45 years will be reckoned as on 01-01-2018. The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes, Persons with disabilities & Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The upper age relaxation is also available to Ex-servicemen candidates of H.P. as per provisions of relevant rules/instructions of H.P. Govt. Note:- i. The candidates must read the instructions/ other terms and conditions carefully, which are given below and are also available on the website of the HPSSC, i.e. http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in before filling up Online Recruitment Application Forms (ORA) for the post(s) concerned. ii. The candidates are advised to note down the USER ID and PASSWORD and this user ID and password will be applicable for all future reference regarding the examination/tests, downloading roll numbers/call letters/entering fee detail etc. iii. The candidates are advised to give their working mobile number and email ID, used by them in the online recruitment application (ORA) and ensure their working till the completion of selection process to avoid inconvenience. iv. The candidates shall fill up their complete and correct particulars in the online recruitment application forms to avoid rejection of candidature. Furnishing incorrect information may disqualify the candidate from appearing for recruitment to any post to be advertised by the Commission for a period of three years. v. Where the examination fee is deposited through off line mode i.e E-Challan, the applicant after depositing the fee in the bank, shall visit the official website of the Commission for fee updation immediately but not later than the last date of submission of application 04.08.2018 till 11.59PM and after entering the user ID and password earlier created, enter the fee details of “Branch Code/Name, Transaction ID, amount of fee, date of deposit” and update fee detail. After this candidate shall take print of the application form for future reference. vi. No. of post(s) is/ are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time for different categories of posts. Any fresh requisitions received from any requisitioning authorities for the posts having common/similar R & P Rules shall be included in the present number of posts up to 30.09.2018 or the date of written objective screening test whichever is earlier. Therefore, all the candidates are requested to apply under their respective category (s) as the post of any reserved category can be included to be filled up on the basis of this advertisement. The number of vacancies & reservation of post is liable to be altered without any notice. 2 The detail of Posts, Eligibility Conditions, Mode of Selection and other terms and conditions are as under:- 1. Detail of Posts:- Name of Department/Board/Post/Pay Band Post Code Number of posts 1.Elementary Education TGT (Medical) (on contract basis) Rs.10300-34800+3600 GP 653 Gen.(UR)-40, Gen.(BPL)-20,Gen.(WFF)-03,OBC(UR)-19, OBC(BPL)-06, OBC(WFF)-01,SC (UR)-29, SC(BPL)-06, SC(WFF)-01,ST (UR)-04, ST(BPL)-03 Total=132 2.Health Services Lab. Assistant (Allopathy) (on contract basis) Rs.5910-20200+2000 GP 654 Gen.(UR)-43, Gen.(BPL)-10, OBC(UR)-15, OBC(BPL)-04, OBC(WFF)-01,SC (UR)-20, SC(BPL)-03, SC(WFF)-01, ST (UR)-04,ST(BPL)-01 Total=102 3.Dental Health Services Dental Hygienist(on contract basis) Rs.5910-20200+2800 GP 655 Gen.(UR)-9, Gen.(BPL)-01, OBC(UR)-02, OBC(BPL)-01, SC (UR)-03 SC(BPL)-01, ST (UR)-01 Total=18 4.Dental Health Services Dental Mechanic(on contract basis) Rs.5910-20200+2800 GP 656 Gen.(UR)-19, Gen.(BPL)-04, Gen(WFF)-01,OBC(UR)-07, OBC(BPL)-02, SC (UR)-09 SC(BPL)-02, ST (UR)-01, ST (BPL)-01 Total=46 vii. The candidates will have to exercise the option in writing at the time of documentation/evaluation process and the selection/allocation of the departments will be made on the basis of “Merit –CumOption-Cum-Availability of Post” formula in the case of the posts of various departments and various districts in case of District cadre posts. However, the desirous reserve category candidate(s ) may further opt that in case by considering him as MRC (Meritorious Reserve Candidate), he is not getting the post / department/district of his better preference/choice, then he may be considered in his respective reserve category for giving him better choice/ preference for ultimate recommendation. viii. The recommendations of the Commission will be valid till the appointments are offered to the candidates by the Appointing Authority or for a period of one year from the date of recommendations which-ever is earlier. Further, the recommendations shall be made by the Commission from the existing panel as and when the requisitions in respect of the additional vacancies are received from different departments for similar posts with similar/common Recruitment and Promotion Rules till the waiting panel in operation is exhausted or six months, whichever is earlier.” ix. The Commission reserves the right to dispense with the written examination for any post keeping in view the number of applications viz-a-viz vacancies and other circumstances. In lieu of marks for written test, the Commission may prescribe a direct selection criteria based on essential qualifications, and may directly conduct the Skill test / Physical test /evaluation of all the eligible applicants, as the case may be. x. The Commission reserves the right to implement para 4 of the Govt. Notification No. Per (AP.B)B(15) -5 / 2014 dated 17.04.2017 and clarifications/instructions, if any received from the Government during the recruitment process. xi. The Commission reserves the right to change any other terms of the advertisement or to rectify the inadvertent errors at any stage. 3 5. Health Safety & Regulation Food Safety Officer (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+3000 GP 657 Gen.(UR)-07,Gen.(BPL)-02,SC(UR)-02,OBC(UR)-03, OBC(BPL)-01,ST (UR)-01, Gen.(W. Ex-Serviceman)-02, SC (W. Ex-Serviceman)-01 Total=19 6. Information & Public Relations Advertisement Designer(on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900 GP 658 Gen(UR)-01 Total=01 7. Information & Public Relations Art Assistant (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3200 GP 659 Gen(UR)- 01 Total=01 8.Information & Public Relations Artist(on contract basis) Rs.5910-20200+1900 GP 660 For Male : Gen(UR)-04 For Female : Gen(BPL)-01,OBC(UR)-01 Total=06 9.Agriculture Agriculture Extension Officer (on contract basis) Rs.5910-20200+2400 GP 661 ST(UR)-06,ST(BPL)-01 Total=07 10. Agriculture Junior Engineer (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800 GP 662 Gen.( UR)-11,Gen(BPL)-02,SC(UR)-05,SC(BPL)-01, ST(UR)-02,OBC(UR)-03,OBC(BPL)-01 Total=25 11. HPSEBL Junior Engineer (Electrical) on contract basis Rs. 10900-34800+4350 GP 663 Gen. (UR)- 90, Gen.(BPL)-28, Gen.(WFF)-06, Gen. (WXM)- 15, SC (UR)- 23, SC(BPL)-04, SC (WFF)-02, SC (WXM)-06, ST(UR)-05, ST(BPL)-02, ST(WFF)-01, ST (WXM)-03, OBC (UR)-27,OBC(BPL)-02, OBC(WFF)-04, OBC(WXM)-04 Total= 222 12.BBNDA Draughtsman(on contract basis) Rs.10300-34800+3800 GP 664 Gen(UR)-01 Total=01 13.TCP Junior Draughtsman (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2400 GP 665 Gen (Ward of Ex-Man)-01 Total=01 14.ABVI of Mountaineering and Allied Sports Skiing Instructor (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800 GP 666 Gen.(UR)-01 Total= 01 15. ABVI of Mountaineering and Allied Sports Mountaineering Supervisor (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800 GP 667 Gen.(UR)-01 Total=01 4 16. ABVI of Mountaineering and Allied Sports Hostel Supervisor (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800 GP 668 Gen(UR)-01 Total=01 17. ABVI of Mountaineering and Allied Sports Trekking Guide(on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900 GP 669 Gen(UR)-01 Total=01 18.Horticulture Laboratory Assistant (on contract basis)Rs. 5910-20200+1900 GP 670 Gen.(UR)-03,SC(UR)-01,OBC(UR)-01 Total=05 19. Youth Services & Sports Junior Coach (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800-+3600 GP 671 Name of Post No. of Post Gen(WXM) SC(WXM) OBC(WXM) Badminton 1 1 - - Boxing 1 1 - - Football 1 1 - - Hockey 1 - 1 - Kabaddi 1 - 1 - Table Tennis 1 - - 1 Volleyball 1 1 - - Total 7 4 2 1 20.Local Audit Junior Auditor(on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800 GP 672 Gen(UR)-02,OBC(BPL)-01,SC (UR)-01 Total=04 21.Various Deptt. Junior Scale Stenographer(on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2800GP 673 Gen.(UR)-13,Gen(BPL)-02,SC(UR)-04,ST(UR)-01,OBC(UR)- 03, OBC(BPL)-01 Total=24 22.Various Deptt. Steno-Typist (on regular basis & contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2000 GP 674 Name of Deptt. No. of Post Category wise breakup Police (Regular basis) 3 Gen.(UR)-01,SC(UR)-01, OBC(UR)-01 Horticulture 5 Gen.(UR)-04,SC(UR)-01 D.C.Bilaspur 4 Gen(UR)-02,SC(UR)-01, OBC (UR)-01 IPR 3 Gen(BPL)-01,SC(UR)-01, OBC(UR)-01 Total 15 5 23. IPR Publicity Assistant Grade-II (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1950 GP 675 Gen.(UR)-05,Gen(BPL)-01,SC(UR)-02,OBC(UR)-01, OBC(BPL)-01 Total=10 24.Industries Mining Inspector (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2800 GP 676 Gen.(UR)-01 Total=01 25. Industries Assistant Mining Inspector (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2400 GP 677 OBC(UR)-01 Total=01 26.Social Justice & Empowerment TGT (Arts) Hearing Impaired (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3600 GP 678 Gen(UR)-01 Total=01 27.Social Justice &Empowerment TGT Science(Non-Medical) Hearing Impaired (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3600 GP 679 Gen(UR)-01 Total=01 28. Social Justice & Empowerment TGT(Arts) Visually Impaired (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3600GP 680 Gen(UR)-01 Total=01 29.Transport Motor Vehicle Inspector (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3600 GP 681 Gen(UR)-01,OBC(UR)-01,SC(UR)-01 Total=03 30.Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs (W &M) Inspector Legal Metrology (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3600 (GP) 682 Gen(UR)-02,SC(UR)-01,OBC(UR)-01 Total=04 31.Panchayati Raj Cook (on contract basis) Rs, 5910-20200+1900 (GP) 683 Gen(UR)-03 Total=03 32. Ayurveda Garden Incharge (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800(GP) 684 Gen.(UR)-02 Total=02 33.Ayurveda Assistant Botanist (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3600 (GP) 685 Gen(UR)-01 Total=01 6 34. Ayurveda Lab Technician (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2800GP 686 Gen.(UR)—03,Gen.(IRDP)-01,OBC(UR)-01 Total=05 35.HPSEBL Superintendent (Divisional Accounts) (on contract basis) Rs. 10900-34800+4550GP 687 Gen.(UR)-03,SC(UR)-03,OBC(UR)-01,OBC(BPL)-01 Total=08 36. HP State Pollution Control Board Junior Environmental Engineer (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP 688 Gen(UR)-05,Gen.(BPL)-01,SC (UR)-02,OBC(UR)-02, OBC(BPL)-01, ST(UR)-01 Total=12 37. Labour & Employment Labour Inspector (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3600GP 689 Gen.(UR)-03 Total=03 38.HP State Pollution Control Board Laboratory Assistant (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP 690 Gen.(UR)-01,Gen.(BPL)-01 Total=02 39. HP State Pollution Control Board Data Entry Operator (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP 691 Gen.(BPL)-01 Total=01 40.HP Secretariat Clerk (on contract basis) Rs.5910-20200+1900GP+400 Sectt. Pay 692 Gen.(UR)-71,Gen.( BPL)-13,Gen.(WFF)-02,SC(UR)-29, SC(BPL)-05, SC(WFF)-01, ST(UR)-06, ST(BPL)-02, OBC(UR)-22,OBC(BPL)-05 Total=156 41.HPSEBL Steno-Typist (on contract basis) Rs. 6400-20200+2300GP 693 Gen.(UR)-06,Gen.(BPL)-04,SC(UR)-05,SC(BPL)-01, OBC(UR)-05,OBC(BPL)-01,ST(UR)-01 Total=23 42.HP Institute of Public Administration Investigator (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+2800GP 694 SC(UR)-01,OBC-(UR)-01 Total=02 43. HPPWD Junior Engineer(Civil) (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP 695 Gen,(UR)-58, Gen.(BPL)-07, Gen.(WFF)-01, SC(UR)-19, SC (BPL)-06, ST(UR)-05, ST (BPL)-02,OBC(UR)-15, OBC(BPL)-08, OBC(WFF)-02 Total=123 44. HPPWD Junior Engineer(Mech.) (on contract basis) Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP 696 Gen,(UR)-10,Gen.(WFF)-01, SC(UR)-03, SC(BPL)-01, ST(UR)-01, OBC(UR)-02, OBC (BPL)-01. Total=19 7 45.Economic Advisor Investigator (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP 697 ST (UR)-01 Total=01 46. Ayurveda Ayurvedic Pharmacist (on contract basis) Rs. 5910-10300+3000GP 698 Gen.(Ward of Ex-Men)-37,OBC (Ward of Ex-Men)-10,SC (Ward of Ex-Men)-13,ST (Ward of Ex-Men)-06 Total=66 2. Minimum Essential Qualifications as per R & P Rules. 653 TGT (Medical) B.Sc. (Medical) with at least 50% marks and 1 year Bachelor in Education (B. Ed.) OR B.Sc. (Medical) with at least 45% marks and 1 year Bachelor in Education (B. Ed.) in accordance with NCTE (Recognition norms and Procedure) regulations issued from time to time in this regard. OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 years Bachelor in Elementary Education (B. EI. Ed.) OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50 % marks and 4 years B.Sc. (Medical).Ed. OR B.Sc. (Medical) with at least 50% marks and 1 year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) (Special Education). AND Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) duly conducted by HPSSB Hamirpur or HP Board of School Education Dharamshala in accordance with the guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose. Note: - Relaxation up to 5% for appearing in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) as well as in the qualifying marks shall be allowed to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH categories. 654 Lab Assistant (Allopathy) 10+2 with Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) or its equivalent from a recognized Board/University by the State /Centre Govt. 655 Dental Hygienist i) Should have passed Plus Two examination with Science or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education. ii) Should possess 02 years certificate course of Dental Hygienist from a Dental Hospital/Medical Institution duly recognized by the Dental Council of India. iii) Must be registered as Dental Hygienist with the recognized State Registration Council. 656 Dental Mechanic i) Should have passed Plus Two with Science or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education. ii) Should possess 02 years certificate course of Dental Mechanic/Technician course from a Dental Hospital/Medical Institution duly recognized by the Dental Council of India. iii) Must be registered as Dental Mechanic with the recognized HP State Dental Council. 8 657 Food Safety Officer i) A Degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Bio-Chemistry or Microbiology or Master’s Degrees in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from recognized University; or ii) Any other equivalent/recognized qualification notified by the Central Government; and iii) Has successfully completed training as specified by the Food Authority in a recognized institute or institution approved for the purpose. Provided that no person who has any financial interest in the manufacture, import or sale of any article of food shall be appointed to be a Food Safety Officer under this rule. 658 Advertisement Designer i) 10+2 from a recognized Board/University. ii) At least one year certificate course in Graphic Designing from any DOAEC (NIELIT) Accredited/recognized institute. iii) Should be familiar with commonly used Graphic Design programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Coral Draw and Page Maker etc. iv) At least two years experience of working in a newspaper/advertisement agency as graphic designer. 659 Art Assistant i) Matric or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board. ii) At least 04 years diploma in Commercial Art from an institution recognized by the Himachal Pradesh Government. 660 Artist i) Matric or its equivalent from a recognized University or Board. ii) Must possess 03 years experience of acting in Drama, Music, Dance, Songs and playing on musical instrument under Govt. /Semi Govt./Registered Cultural Organizations . 661 Agriculture Extension Officer 04 years B.Sc. (Agriculture)degree from an University established by Law in India and accredited by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). 662 Junior Engineer Degree in Agriculture Engineering/Civil Engineering or diploma in Civil Engineering. 663 Junior Engineer (Electrical) Minimum matriculation with diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering from a recognized institution/Board/University duly recognized by the Central/State Government. 664 Draughtsman i) 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/University. ii) At least three years Diploma Course in Architectural Assistance ships from a recognized University or an Institute duly recognized by the State/Central Government. 665 Junior Draughtsman i) 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/University. ii) At least two years Certificate Course in the trade of Draughtsmanship or its equivalent from an ITI or from other technical Institution duly recognized by the Central or H.P. Government. 666 Skiing Instructor i) Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a recognized University. ii) Should have done Basic/Advance Course in Skiing & Method of Instruction Course in Skiing from any Govt. recognized Institute. 667 Mountaineering Supervisor i) Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized Board or University. ii) Certificate course in Basic, Advance and Method of Instruction courses in mountaineering from recognized Institution of Mountaineering 9 668 Hostel Supervisor i) Graduation or its equivalent from a recognized University. ii) Diploma in Hotel Management from recognized Institution. 669 Trekking Guide i) Matric or its equivalent from a recognized Board /University. ii) Should have done Basic and advance courses in Mountaineering from a recognized Institute. 670 Laboratory Assistant i) Matric with Science or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School education or Institution and ii) Should possess diploma/Certificate of one year duration in Fruit processing glass wares etc. from a recognized I.T.I. or from a recognized Institution. 671 Junior Coach i) Should have Bachelor degree or its equivalent from a recognized University. ii) Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Coaching of Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (Deemed University) Gwalior Or Diploma/Certificate course in coaching from a recognized institution in the concerned game Or One year Diploma in coaching in the concerned game from an institution run by the Sports Authority of India Exempting in the game of Shooting, Chess, Korfball, Karate-Do and Squash. 672 Junior Auditor IInd Class Graduate in Commerce or Economics or Business Administration from the recognized University. 673 Junior Scale Stenographer i) Should have passed 10+2 examination or its equivalent from a Board of School Education / University recognized by the HP Govt. ii) Should possess the following speed in Shorthand and Type writing in both the language i.e. English & Hindi at the time of initial recruitment. SPEED IN SHORTHAND SPEED IN TYPING ON COMPUTER ENGLISH HINDI ENGLISH HINDI 80WPM 70WPM 40WPM 30WPM Provided that at the time of initial recruitment the candidate shall have to pass shorthand test in either of the language i.e. in Hindi or English at the prescribed speed. Provided further that the candidates will have to pass typewriting test in both the languages at the time of initial recruitment: Provided further that the incumbent having passed shorthand in one language, at the time of initial recruitment at the prescribed speed, shall have to pass the shorthand test in second language either in Hindi or English whichever may be as prescribed supra within a period of three years from the date of appointment. The appointment letter of such candidate(s) who does not qualify the shorthand test in second language shall contain the specific condition that he shall have to pass the test in shorthand in second language within a period of three years and if he qualifies the test in Shorthand test in second language with in a period of three years he will be eligible to draw his annual increment from due dates and the candidate(s) who qualifies the said test after three years will be eligible to draw his first increment only from the date of qualifying the prescribed test. iii) Should have the knowledge of word processing in computer as prescribed by the recruiting authority. 10 674 Steno-Typist i) Should have passed 10+2 examination or its equivalent from a Board of School Education / University recognized by the HP Govt. ii) Should possess the following speed in Shorthand and Type writing in both the language i.e. English & Hindi at the time of initial recruitment. SPEED IN SHORTHAND SPEED IN TYPING ON COMPUTER English Hindi English Hindi 60WPM 60WPM 25WPM 25WPM Provided that at the time of initial recruitment the candidates shall have to pass shorthand test in either of the language i.e. in Hindi or English at the prescribed speed. Provided further that the candidates will have to pass typewriting test in both the languages at the time of initial recruitment: Provided further that the incumbent having passed shorthand in one language, at the time of initial recruitment at the prescribed speed, shall have to pass the shorthand test in second language either in Hindi or English whichever may be as prescribed supra within a period of three years from the date of appointment. The appointment letter of such candidate(s) who does not qualify the shorthand test in second language shall contain the specific condition that he shall have to pass the test in shorthand in second language within a period of three years and if he qualifies the test in Shorthand test in second language within a period of three years he will be eligible to draw his annual increment from due dates and the candidate(s) who qualifies the said test after three years will be eligible to draw his first increment only from the date of qualifying the prescribed test. iii) Should have the knowledge of word processing in computer as prescribed by the recruiting authority. 675 Publicity Assistant Grade-II i) Matric from a recognized Board of School Education. iii) Two years National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) Certificate in the trade of Electronics or Radio & T.V. from an Institution recognized by the Himachal Pradesh Government. 676 Mining Inspector B.Sc. Degree in Science with Geology or its equivalent from a recognized University. 677 Assistant Mining Inspector Should have passed 10+2 Examination with Science or its equivalent from the Board of School Education or any other Institution recognized by the State Government. 678 TGT (Arts) Hearing Impaired i) A second class Bachelor Degree in Arts from a recognised University. ii) B.Ed in Special Education (Hearing Impaired) from a recognised Institution/University. OR Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education (PGPDSE) (Hearing Impaired) with General/Special B.Ed. iii) The candidate must be registered with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) 679 TGT Science (Non-Medical) Hearing Impaired i) A second class Bachelor Degree in Science (Non-Medical) from a recognised University. ii) B.Ed in Special Education (Hearing Impaired) from a recognised Institution/University. OR Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education (PGPDSE) (Hearing Impaired) with General/Special B.Ed. iii) The candidate must be registered with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) 11 680 TGT (Arts) Visually Impaired i) A second class Bachelor Degree in Arts from a recognised University. ii) B.Ed in Special Education (Visually Impaired) from a recognised Institution/University. OR Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education (PGPDSE) (Visually Impaired) with General/Special B.Ed. iii) The candidate must be registered with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) 681 MVI i) Degree in Automobile Engineering from recognized University, ii) 2 year’s experience in Automobile Workshop. 682 Inspector Legal Metrology Should possess Bachelor Degree from a recognized University in Science (with Physics as one of subjects)/ Technology /Engineering or holds a recognized Diploma in Engineering with post qualification 03 years professional experience. 683 Cook i) 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board of School Education. ii) Diploma in catering and food craft/food production/food and beverages services from Food Craft Institute or an Institute duly recognized by the Central/H.P. Government. 684 Garden Incharge B.Sc with Botany as one of the subjects or B.Sc.(Forestry) or B.Sc.(Agriculture) or B.Sc(Horticulture) from a University recognized by the State/Central Government. 685 Asstt. Botanist Should possess B.Sc Degree with Botany as one of the subjects from a recognized University. 686 Lab Technician i) 10+2 with Science or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/University. ii) Should possess a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from an Institution duly recognized by the HP/Central Government. OR B.Sc Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized University or from an Institution duly recognized by the HP Govt./Central Government. iii) Must be registered with the Himachal Pradesh Para Medical Council. 687 Superintendent (Divisional Accounts) B.Com or B.Com (Hons.) 688 Junior Environmental Engineer 1 st Class Bachelor’s Degree in either Chemical, Environmental, Civil, Industrial or Mechanical Engineering. 689 Labour Inspector Should have passed Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a University/Institution duly recognized by the Central/State Govt. 690 Laboratory Assistant At least 2nd Division in 10+2 with Science. 691 Data Entry Operator 10+2 from a recognized Board / Institution and one year diploma in computer and software from a recognized institution and preferably 2 year’s working experience in a reputed institution. 12 692 Clerk i) Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized University. ii) Should possess a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English Typewriting or 25 words per minute in Hindi Typewriting on Computer. Provided that visually impaired persons recruited under 1% quota shall be imparted necessary basic training including computer training by the Department concerned through Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Sundernagar instead of passing typing test. They shall have to complete the above training during which three chances will be afforded. If the incumbents fail to qualify the same his/her service shall be terminated. However, the incumbents already in the service shall be afforded sufficient number of chances to complete the aforesaid training. iii) Should have the knowledge of ―Word Processing‖ in Computer as prescribed by the Recruiting Authority. 693 Steno-Typist i) Should have passed 10+2 examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/University. ii) Should possess following speed in Shorthand and typewriting in both languages i.e. English & Hindi at the time of initial appointment :- Speed in Shorthand Speed in Typewriting English 60 WPM English 25 WPM Hindi 60WPM Hindi 25WPM iii) Should have the knowledge of word processing in computer as prescribed by the recruiting authority. 694 Investigator Graduate of a recognized University or its equivalent with Economics/Mathematics as one of the subjects. 695 Junior Engineer (Civil) i) Should have passed matriculation Examination or its equivalent from a Recognized Board/University. ii) Regular full time Diploma in Civil Engineering (3 years) or its equivalent from an Institution / University duly recognized by the Central or State Govt. 696 Junior Engineer (Mech.) i) Should have passed Matriculation/Higher Secondary Part-1 or its equivalent from a recognized Board/University. ii) Degree/ Diploma in the trade of Mechanical/Automobile / Production / Aeronautical or Marine Engineering or its equivalent from an Institution / University duly recognized by the Central or State Govt. 697 Investigator Should have passed 10+2 examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/University. 698 Ayurvedic Pharmacist i) Plus two or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/University. ii) Successful training of at least two years duration in Ayurvedic Pharmacist/Diploma in Pharmacy(Ayurveda) / Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (Ayurveda) from an Institution duly recognized by the H.P. Takniki Shiksha Board/University recognized by the H.P. Government. 13 3. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATION(s) Post code 653 to 665, 670,672 to 675,682,683,685, 686,688 to 698 Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. 666 i. Two years experience as Ski Instructor from a recognized Institution by the Govt. ii. Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. 667 i. Three years experience in conducting/handling trekking groups, rock climbing, NCC, Scouting and Home Guards. ii. Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. 668 i. Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. ii. Should have done Basic and Advance courses in Mountaineering from a recognized Institute. 669 i. Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. ii. Two years experience as Trekking Guide from a recognized institute. 671 i. Outstanding Sports person who has excelled at State/National Level Sports Competitions will be preferred. ii. Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. 676 i) Two years experience in the line. ii) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. 677 i) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. ii) Two years practical experience in the line from Government/Semi Government Organization or registered Mining Contractor. 678 to 680 i) Post qualification one year teaching experience in the related field. ii) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. 681 i) Driving License for Heavy Transport Vehicle. ii) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. 684 i) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh. ii) Two years experience in identification, cultivation and development of medicinal plants. 687 Master Degree in Management (Finance) or Commerce or Financial Management. 14 4. Mode of Selection -Part-I (Written test of 85 marks) The Written Objective type Screening test of two hours duration will consist of 170 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) of 85 marks. Each question will be of ½ marks. The skill tests /physical standard and efficiency test etc. wherever applicable will be of qualifying nature for those who qualify the Written Objective type Screening Test. 653 to 657, 659 to 672,675 to 688 , 690 to 691, 694 to 696 & 698 Objective type screening test consisting of Multiple Choice Questions from the subject (s)/ field (s) concerned, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Logic, Social Science, General English & General Hindi of Matric standard. 658 1. Objective type screening test consisting of Multiple Choice Questions from the subject /field concerned, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Logic, Social Science, General English & General Hindi of Matric standard. 2. Practical skill test of Graphic Design programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Coral Draw and Page Maker for those who qualify objective type of screening test. 673 1. Objective type screening test consisting of Multiple Choice Questions from General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic. 2. Skill test in Shorthand in either of the language i.e. in Hindi or English and typewriting in both the languages at the initial recruitment with the following speed for those who qualify objective type of screening test. Speed in Shorthand Speed in typewriting English 80WPM English 40WPM Hindi 70WPM Hindi 30WPM 674 1. Objective type screening test consisting of Multiple Choice Questions from General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic. 2. Skill test in Shorthand in either of the language i.e. in Hindi or English and typewriting in both the languages at the initial recruitment with the following speed for those who qualify objective type of screening test Speed in Shorthand Speed in typewriting English 60WPM English 25 WPM Hindi 60WPM Hindi 25 WPM 689 & 697 Objective type screening test consisting of Multiple Choice Questions from General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic. 692 1. Objective type screening test consisting of Multiple Choice Questions from General English of graduation level and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic. 2. Type skill test on computer of qualifying nature in prescribed speed for those who qualify objective type screening test. 15 693 1. Objective type screening test consisting of Multiple Choice Questions from General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic. 2. Skill test in Shorthand and typewriting in both the languages i.e. English and Hindi at the time of initial appointment with the following speed for those who qualify objective type of screening test Speed in Shorthand Speed in typewriting English 60WPM English 25 WPM Hindi 60WPM Hindi 25 WPM Part-II (Evaluation of 15 Marks ) Evaluation of 15 marks in respect of shortlisted candidates after qualifying written objective screening test / subjective tests and skill tests/physical/practical tests, if any, will be carried out as per the following criteria:- Sr.No. Detail of Criteria of 15 marks Marks Competent authority to issue the certificates 1. Weightage for the minimum educational qualification as per the Recruitment & Promotion Rules. (Percentage of marks obtained in the educational qualification would be multiplied by 0.025, For example, an individual has secured 50 % marks in the required educational qualifications, he /she will be allowed 1.25 marks (50 X0.025 = 1.25) {(i)For technical posts, professional educational qualification prescribed in the R & P Rules shall be taken into consideration e.g. for the post of JE (Civil) Diploma (three year’s) in Civil Engineering or B.E/B.Tech. Degree in Civil Engineering, for TGT –B.Ed and for Junior Office Assistant (IT) one year Diploma in Computer Science/Computer Application /IT etc. will be given the prescribed weightage. In the case candidates possessing multiple basic professional qualification, weightage will be given to higher percentage / marks. (ii) In the case of non technical posts and where professional Degree/Diploma etc is not required, the educational qualification as prescribed in the recruitment rules of the post shall be taken into account.} 2.5 (two & a half) Concerned University /Board 2. Belonging to notified Backward Area or Panchayat, as the case may be 1(one) Concerned SDO(C) / Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar. 3. Land less family / family having land less than 1 Hectare to be certified by the concerned Revenue Authority 1(one) Concerned SDO(C )/ Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar. 4. Non-employment Certificate to the effect that none of the family members is in Government/Semi Government. 1(one) Concerned SDO (C)/ Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar or concerned Panchyat Secretary/ Sahayak and countersigned by 16 concerned Gram Panchayat Pradhan / UpPradhan. 5. Differently abled persons with more than 40% impairment / disability / infirmity 1(one) Health & Family Welfare authorities /Medical Boards. 6. NSS (atleast one year), certificate holders in NCC /The Bharat Scout and Guide. Medal winner in National level sports competitions 1(one) Concerned Head of Institution. Certificate of medal winners will be issued by concerned Distirct Youth Services and Sports Officer/Head of Institution. 7. BPL family having family annual income (from all sources) below Rs. 40,000 /- or as prescribed by the Govt. from time to time. 2 (two) Concerned BDO by taking the authenticated entries in the ―Parivar Register‖ as the basis of such certificate or concerned Panchayat Secretary/Sahay ak and countersigned by concerned Gram Panchayat Pradhan. 8. Widow /divorced/destitute /single woman 1(one) Concerned BDO by taking the authenticated entries in the ―Parivar Register‖ as the basis of such certificate. 9. Single daughter/Orphan 1(one) Concerned BDO by taking the authenticated entries in the ―Parivar Register‖ as the 17 basis of such certificate. 10. Training of at least 6 months duration related to the post applied for from a recognized University/ Institution 1(one) Competent authority of the concerned University /Institution. 11. Experience up to a maximum of 5 years in Govt. / semi-Govt. organization relating to the post applied for (0.5 mark only for each completed year). 2.5 (two & a half) Competent authority of the concerned Govt. /Semi Govt. Organization. 5. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP ONLINE APPLICATIONS :- 1. The candidates must read the instructions carefully, which are also available on the website of the HPSSC, i.e. http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in before filling up Online Recruitment Application Forms (ORA) for the post(s) concerned. 2. The candidates are advised to apply online well in time without waiting for the last date of submission of online application. 3. The candidate should enter his/her particulars i.e. Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name & Date of Birth as per his/her Matric Certificate and upload scanned photograph and scanned signature. The size of scanned photograph should be less than 50 kb and size of scanned signature should be less than 30kb. 4. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential qualifications(s), etc. as mentioned against each post in the advertisement to avoid rejection at later stage. 5. Incomplete Online Recruitment Applications submitted without requisite examination fee, scanned photograph & scanned signatures of prescribed size, will be rejected straightway. 6. The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect of categories, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., Ex-Servicemen, WFF and Physically Disabled (Orthopedically Disabled/ Visually Impaired/ Blind / Hearing Impaired / Deaf & Dumb)/ BPL etc. 7. The candidate should possess requisite essential qualification(s) prescribed for the post(s) for which he/she wants to apply as on closing date fixed for submission of Online Recruitment Applications (ORA). 8. No. of post(s) is/ are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time for different categories of posts. Any fresh requisitions received from any requisitioning authorities for the posts having common/similar R & P Rules shall be included in the present number of posts up to 31.08. 2018 or the date of written objective screening test which ever is earlier. Therefore, all the candidates are requested to apply under their respective category (s) as the post of any reserved category can be included to be filled up on the basis of this advertisement. The number of vacancies & reservation of post is liable to be altered without any notice. 9. The candidate is allowed to submit only one application form against each post. Multiple applications Form for same post of a candidate are liable to be rejected. 10. The application forms through fax/post shall not be entertained and the commission does not take responsibility to inform such candidates. 11. Married daughters/ grand-daughters of freedom fighters are not entitled for reservation under Ward of Freedom Fighter Sub category. Preference will be given to the children of Freedom Fighters over Grand Children. 12. Eligibility for vacancies in Sub-Category of SPORTSMAN shall be as per the norms framed by department of Youth Services and Sports. 13. The Commission reserves the right to dispense with the written examination for any post keeping in view the number of applicants viz-a-viz vacancies & other circumstances. 14. The certificate of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes should be on parental basis, failing which candidature of such candidates will be rejected. 15. The candidates belonging to OBC of HP Category must produce OBC certificate(s) on the prescribed format, 18 which should not be more than one year old at the time of last date fixed for submission of Online Recruitment Application. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of Evaluation of 15 marks. 16. The validity of IRDP/BPL certificate is of six months from the date of its issuance. The candidate is required to furnish the valid certificate in support of his/her claim. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of Evaluation of 15 marks. 17. The candidates belonging to disabled categories with disability of 40% or more are allowed extra time of minimum one hour for examination of three hour duration i.e. 20 minutes per hour. In case of visually impaired candidates making request for the scribes, he/she/will have to submit a written request for the same to the Commission immediately after receipt of his roll number. 18. Examination fee once paid will not be refunded. 19. The candidates can also submit their Online Application form(ORA) through LOKMITRA KENDRAS (LMKs) located in HP at the prescribed charges approved by HPSSC as under:- i) Registration of applicant Rs. 10/- ii) Filling up of Application Form for one post. Rs. 10/- iii) Filling up of Challan Form and Printout Rs. 10/- iv) Printing of Admit Card Rs. 10/- 6. EXAMINATION FEES:- The detail of Exam. fee for different categories is as under:- 7. Mode of Payment:- Candidates can pay requisite Exam. Fee through one of the following modes:- (a) Online Payment Gateway or (b) Offline computer generated Challan or (c) Lokmitra Kendra Sr.No. Category Exam Fees 1. General Category (including General Ex-Servicemen of HP relieved from Defence Services on their own request before completion of normal tenure, and reserved categories of other states). Rs. 360/- 2 General IRDP, Physically Handicapped, Ward of Freedom Fighter, Ward of Ex-Servicemen of HP. Rs. 120/- 3. S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C. of H.P. (including S.C. /S.T. /O.B.C. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved from Defence Services on their own requests before completion of normal tenure and SC/ ST/ OBC, IRDP, Physically Handicapped, Ward of Freedom Fighter, Ward of ExServicemen of H.P Rs. 120/- 4. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved from Defense Services after completion of normal tenure) / Blind of H.P./ Visually Impaired of H.P. No Fee 19 a. ONLINE PAYMAENT GATEWAY:- The candidate can deposit the requisite fee through online payment gateway using Credit Card/Debit Card/ Net Banking. There will be no extra charge using this mode. b. OFFLINE COMPUTER GENERATED CHALLAN:- In case of non- possession of Credit Card /Debit Card/Net Banking facility a candidate may adopt this mode of payment. The candidate will print an offline computer generated challan and deposit fee at any of the nearest branch of any bank. The bank charges in this case would be applicable. However, the candidate has an option of printing e-challan for PNB and deposit the fee through nearest PNB branch without any extra charge. After depositing the requisite fee in the bank, the candidate is required to update his fee details i.e. Transaction ID, Branch Code and date of payment etc. through his user ID on Online Recruitment Applications (ORA). c. LOKMITRA KENDRA:- The candidates without internet facility can visit their nearest LMK and get the form filled along with fee deposit at the prescribed charges as mentioned above. 8. FACILITATION COUNTER FOR GUIDANCE OF CANDIDATES:- In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their Online Recruitment Applications (ORA), candidature etc. candidates may contact HPSSC Reception Counter in person or on Phone No. 01972-221841, Toll Free No. 1800-180-8095 or on email ID i.e. [email protected] on any working day between 10:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M. 9. ADMISSION/ REJECTION:- The information in respect of provisionally admitted candidates and rejected candidates will be uploaded on the official website of the Commission before the conduct of Screening Test/ Examination for the concerned post(s). The candidates are required to submit their requisite documents in support of their eligibility for the concerned post(s)at the time of evaluation of 15 marks. The requisite documents submitted by the candidates, will be scrutinized and list of proposed rejected candidates will be uploaded on the website of the Commission for information of all concerned. Admissions and rejections will be uploaded on the official website and No separate intimation in this regard will be sent by post. 07 day’s time will be given to file representation(s) against the proposed rejections, if any, from the date of uploading the list of rejected candidates on the official website of the Commission for the concerned post(s). The candidates are advised to visit the Commission’s official website http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in from time to time for updates in their own interest. 10. ADMIT CARD: No Admit Card(s) will be sent by post and provisionally admitted candidates will have to download their respective Admit Card from the official website of the Commission i.e. http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in . The message in this regard will also be sent on registered email Id (if provided during the registration). The candidates may download his/her Admit Card either by entering Application ID, Name and Date of Birth. A One Time Password (OTP) will 20 be sent on registered mobile/ e-mail ID which will be required to be entered before downloading the Admit Card. 11. SUBMISSION OF CERTIFICATES/ DOCUMENTS:- The downloaded/printed copy of the Online Application Form alongwith necessary original certificates and self attested photocopies will have to be produced at the time of evaluation. No offline Application Form will be accepted by the office. 12. CATEGORY CLAIMS:- The category once claimed by the candidate(s) will not be allowed to be changed at any stage. The S.C. of Himachal Pradesh / S.T. of Himachal Pradesh / O.B.C. of Himachal Pradesh/ WFF of Himachal Pradesh / Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh and Physically Disabled of Himachal Pradesh candidates must possess such certificates(s) in support of their claims made in the Online Recruitment Application(s) (ORA) while applying for the concerned post(s). The benefit of reservation will be admissible on parental basis only. All the candidates belonging to reserved categories are also required to go through the relevant instructions of the Government of Himachal Pradesh issued from time to time in order to ensure that they are eligible under a particular category and submit the applicable certificates only on the prescribed formats at the time of evaluation. 13. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS:- i. The date of determining the eligibility of all candidates in terms of Essential Qualifications, experience etc. shall be reckoned as on the closing date for submitting the Online Recruitment Applications (ORA). ii. The decision of the Commission regarding eligibility etc. of a candidate will be final. iii. Onus of proving that a candidate has acquired requisite degree/ essential qualifications by the stipulated date is on the candidate and in the absence of proof the date as mentioned on the face of certificate/ degree or the date of issue of certificate / degree shall be taken as date of acquiring essential qualification. iv In respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce order / letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated, otherwise the Online Recruitment Application is liable to be rejected. 14. SCREEENING TEST/ EXAMINATION/ EVALUATION ETC.:- i. In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the Commission is inordinately large, the Commission may limit/ shortlist the number of eligible candidates to be called for evaluation of 15 marks by subjecting them to a Written Screening Test which may be objective type or descriptive or both. Final selection of a candidate will be made solely on the basis of the marks obtained in the Written Screening Test/ main subjective type test and his/her evaluation of 15 marks as per prescribed criteria. If the candidates score equal marks, then a candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. ii. Where a skill test comprising of type and shorthand test or both is an Essential Qualification, the candidates will be required to undergo these tests for the prescribed speed. Where a Physical Test is prescribed/required, the candidate will be required to undergo the required Physical Test as per Physical Standards laid down. The Commission shall not be liable for any injury or damage sustained by the candidates while going through such tests. However the skill tests/physical tests will be of qualifying nature. iii. The provisional answer key of each Written Screening Test (objective type) will be uploaded on the official website after the freezing the answer sheets of the candidates for calling objections from the candidates. Seven day’s time shall be given for inviting objections in the 21 answer key, if any. The objections will be got vetted through an expert panel and the result will be finalized as per the revised answer key. iv. Any request for rechecking/re-evaluation of scripts of Written tests/ Skill tests/Physical tests will not be entertained. v. The eligibility of candidate(s) called for the evaluation of 15 marks will be determined on the basis of original documents produced at the time of evaluation of 15 marks and the Commission will not be responsible if the candidature of any candidate is rejected at that stage or at the time of verification by the Appointing Authority. As such, admission to the Written Screening Test/Examination/ evaluation of 15 marks shall be purely provisional. vi. The Centers for holding the examination are liable to be changed at the discretion of the Commission. However, every effort will be made to allot the examinations centre(s) of their choice to the candidates. But, the Commission may, at its discretion, allot a different centre to a candidate if circumstances so warrant. 15. OTHER CONDITIONS:- 1. All candidates, whether in Government Service or Government owned Industrial or Public Enterprises or other similar organizations or in private employment should submit their applications online directly to the Commission. Persons already in regular Government service, whether in a permanent or temporary capacity are required to submit a declaration that they have informed in writing to their Head of Office/ Department that they have applied for a particular post. In case, a communication is received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to any candidate applying for/ appearing for the examination, his/her application(s) will be liable to be rejected. 2. Contract/Casual/ adhoc / daily wages /work charged employees do not need to produce NOC from the concerned employer. 3. In Government service (regular service) candidates may apply to the Commission along with requisite examination fees with information to their Heads of Departments/Employer for issuing NOC. 4. Candidate who is or has been declared by the Commission to be guilty of:- a) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by the following means, namely:- Offering illegal gratification to, or applying pressure on, or blackmailing or threatening to blackmail any person connected with the conduct of the examination, or (b) Impersonating, or (c) procuring impersonation by any person, or (d) submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with, or (e) making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information, or (f) resorting to the following means in connection with his/her candidature for the examination, namely:- Obtaining copy of question paper through improper means, finding out the particulars of the persons connected with secret work relating to the examination, influencing the examiners, or (g) using unfair means during the examination, or (h) writing obscene matter or drawing obscene sketches in the scripts, or (i) misbehaving in the examination hall including tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow examinees to boycott examination, creating disorderly scene and the like, or (j) harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of their examinations, or (k) being in possession of or using mobile phone, pager or any electronic equipment or device or any other equipment capable of being used as a communication device during the examination; or (l) violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with their admission certificates permitting them to take the examination, or (m) attempting to commit or as the case may be abetting the Commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses; may in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to Criminal prosecution, be liable to be disqualified by the Commission from the examination for which he/she is a candidate and/or 22 (n) to be debarred either permanently or for a period as specified by the Commission from any examination or selection. 16. CHECK LIST: VERIFY THE FOLLOWING BEFORE SUBMITING THE ONLINE RECRUITMENT APPLICATION OR DOCUMENTS/ CERTIFICATES:- a. That no column is wrongly filled or kept blank as the information furnished therein would be used to determine the eligibility of candidates. b. That copies of only following documents/certificates are to be provided in support of claims made / information given in the Online Recruitment Application(ORA) at the time of evaluation of 15 marks:- i. Matriculation certificate for age proof. ii. Degree/Diploma certificates along with Marks Sheets of all years in support of Educational Qualifications as prescribed under Essential Qualification column of R & P Rules. The provisional certificate(s) along with marks sheets of all semesters/ years. iii. Experience certificate(s) wherever required. iv. Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications claimed, indicating the authority (with number & date) by which it has been so treated and that if the qualification possessed by the candidates is equivalent, a copy of order/letter under which it has been so treated may also be enclosed. v. Cast certificates, if applicable. vi. BPL certificates, if applicable. vii All other certificates, if any required for determining eligibility and carrying evaluation as mentioned in mode of selection criteria (Part-I & II) which so ever applicable to the applicants. 17. DISQUALIFICATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO THE EXAMINATION(s): No candidate will be eligible for admission to the examination:- a) If he/ she has been dismissed from any previous service; b) If he/ she has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude or has been bound down for good conduct under the provisions contained in Chapter VIII of the Code of Criminal Procedure, or has been permanently debarred /disqualified from appearing in any examination or selection; c) If he/she is found either directly or indirectly influencing the selection process in any manner; d) If a male candidate who has more than one living wife and if a female candidate, who has married a man already having another wife; or e) If he / she is an un-discharged insolvent. 18. ABBREVIATIONS:  OTP : One Time Password  HPSSC : Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission  UR : Unreserved  S.C : Scheduled Caste of H.P.  ST : Scheduled Tribe of H.P.  OBC : Other Backward Classes of H.P as declared by the Govt. of H.P. from time to time  Ex-SM : Ex-servicemen of H.P.  WFF : Wards of Freedom Fighters of H.P.  Wards of Ex- SM : Dependent sons, daughters and wives of Ex-SM of H.P.  PWD : Persons with disabilities of H.P.  OH : Orthopedically Handicapped. 23  VI : Visually impaired,  HI : Hearing Impaired. 19. Steps to Fill Up Online Application Form  Step 1: The candidate needs to get him/her self registered on the ORA by using the Option “Sign up” given on the official web site.  Step 2: After completing the registration the candidate will sign in into the application by using the user name and password created by him/her at the time of registration.  Step 3: The category wise detail of posts will be displayed on the web page i.e. http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in Applicant can apply for the post by clicking the ―Apply‖ button against it.  Step 4: Candidate needs to choose preferred District and Tehsil for examination.  Step 5: After selecting the preferred District and Tehsil the candidate needs to fill his/ her personal as well as contact details.  Step 6: After filling up the form for personal and contact details, the candidate needs to upload his/her scanned photograph and signature.  Step 7: The candidate needs to provide his/her educational details as per the post.  Step 8: If the experience is required for the particular post, then the candidate will be redirected to Experience Page else he will be redirected to payment option.  Step 9: Make payment. Sd/- ( Dr. Jitender Kanwar)HPAS Secretary, HP. Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur. Endst. No. HPSSC-A (7)1/98-XI- Dated: Copy forwarded for information and n/a to :- 1. The Director, IT, HP Shimla. 2. The Managing Director,HP State-Co-operative Bank HP Shimla 3. The Branch Manager, PNB Hamirpur. 4. The Branch Manager,HDFC, Hamirpur. 5. Deputy Secretary, HPSSC, Hamirpur. 6. Under Secretary, HPSSC,Hamirpur. 7. Law Officer, HPSSC,Hamirpur 8. Section Officer, AR –I & A.R.-II 9. All the Superintendents in HPSSC. 10. PA to Chairman, Member-1,II,III & IV 11. PA to Secretary, HPSSC. 12. Exam Branch –I & II. 13. All the Requisitioning Authorities. 14. Notice Board. Sd/- (Dr. Jitender Kanwar)HPAS Secretary, HP.Staff Selection Commission,Hamirpur


