IDBI SO Salary 2024 in Hand (DGM, AGM) | Monthly Salary and Grade Pay Per Month


IDBI SO Salary: IDBI pays its employees in cash, including those in managerial positions such as DGM (Grade D), AGM (Grade C), Manager (Grade B), and Assistant Manager (Grade A). For more information on IDBI SO salary, our group is here to assist you. Below are the details of IDBI SO Salary for 2023, including information on salary in hand, pay scale, allowances, job profile, and opportunities for promotion, provided for your reference.

IDBI SO Salary 2023

IDBI has released an online application form for various posts including DGM (Grade D), AGM (Grade C), Manager (Grade B), and more. Applicants should verify important details such as the last date to apply and the examination date for IDBI SO Salary. The salary for IDBI SO positions varies by grade level. For instance, General Manager (Grade ‘E’) position receives a monthly salary on the scale of 36200-1200(11)-49400-1500(6)-58400 (18 years) [pre-revised], which results in a total pre-revised emolument of approximately Rs.1.57 Lakh p.m. at metro centers. Similarly, Deputy General Manager (Grade ‘D’) employees earn a salary on the scale of 33600-1100(9)-43500-1300(8)-53900 (18 years) [pre-revised], resulting in an approximate pre-revised emolument of Rs.1.30 Lakh p.m. at metro centers. Additionally, Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) receives a salary on the scale of 42020-1310(5)-48570-1460(2)-51490 (8 years) and Manager (Grade ‘B’) employees receive a salary on the scale of 31705-1145(1)-32850-1310(10)-45950 (12 years).

IDBI Specialist Officer Posts

  • DGM (Grade D)
  • AGM (Grade C)
  • Manager ( Grade B)
  • Assistant Manager (Grade A)

IDBI SO Salary

General Manager, Grade ‘E’ On a scale of 36200-1200(11)-49400-1500(6)-58400 (18 years) [Pre-revised] Total pre-revised emoluments for Grade E at Metro centers is approx. Rs.1.57 Lakh p.m
Deputy General Manager, Grade ‘D’ On a scale of 33600-1100(9)-43500-1300(8)-53900 (18 years) [Pre-revised] Total pre-revised emoluments for Grade D at Metro centers is approx. Rs.1.30 Lakh p.m
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) On the scale of 42020-1310(5)-48570-1460(2)-51490 (8 years)
Manager- Grade ‘B’ On the scale of 31705-1145(1)-32850-1310(10)-45950 (12 years)

IDBI SO Salary in Hand

The minimum basic pay of IDBI SO Salary 2023 Grade A is Rs 23,700 excluding DA, HRA & other allowances. Check the IDBI SO Salary details from the below table.

Allowance of IDBI SO Salary

Apart from the basic pay of Rs 23,700 included in IDBI SO Salary 2021 for Assistant Manager, Manager, AGM, DGM candidates have to be entitled to the allowances. In addition to the pay, the selected candidate will be eligible for allowances, perquisites, and benefits as applicable to the Grade as per the Bank’s rules, prevalent at the time of joining. Further, the fitment of pay for new recruits in the cadre will be governed by relevant guidelines and extant Bank policies.

The allowances and Perks to the IDBI SO Salary Officers are as under:

  • The allowances viz. Grade Allowance, Dearness allowance, Housing allowance, Special allowance on promotion. Personal pay is payable as per applicability and entitlement to all officers of the Bank.
  • The perquisites/facilities to Executive Directors of the Bank are - Bank's owned Accommodation, Mobile Phone, Nomination to Corporate Club Membership, Facility of Personal Computer at residence, Cook allowance, Book G Scheme, Provision of Hired car or Leased car or Bank's car and reimbursement made towards Leave Fare Conces (LFC), Medical expenses, Curtain expenditure, Telephone charges at actual.

Basic Pay of IDBI SO Salary

सहायक प्रबंधक, प्रबंधक, एजीएम के लिए आईडीबीआई एसओ वेतन 2021 में शामिल 23,700 रुपये के मूल वेतन के अलावा, डीजीएम उम्मीदवारों को भत्ते का हकदार होना चाहिए। वेतन के अलावा, चयनित उम्मीदवार बैंक के नियमों के अनुसार भत्ते, अनुलाभ और लाभ के लिए पात्र होंगे, जो कि शामिल होने के समय प्रचलित हैं। इसके अलावा, कैडर में नई भर्तियों के लिए वेतन का फिट होना संबंधित दिशानिर्देशों और बैंक की नीतियों का विस्तार होगा।

  • The perquisites/facilities to Chief General Managers of the Bank are - Bank owned Accommodation/ Leased Accommodation, Mobile phone, Facility of Personal Computer at residence, Provision of Hired car or Leased car Bank's car or own car, and reimbursement made towards LFC, Medical Expenses, Telephone charges, Curtain expenditure, and Conveyance Allowance
  • Bank's owned Accommodation/ Leased Accommodation, Reimbursement made towards LFC, Medical Expenses, Telephone Charges, and Conveyance Allowance.
  • All officers on confirmation are eligible for facilities like Housing Loans, Car Loans, COD(Clean Overdraft) & Festival Advance.

PDF Download IDBI SO Salary Slip

Candidates can download the IDBI SO Salary slip in PDF mode from the below link. You can also check the other details link- Allowance of IDBI SO Salary, basic pay, pay scale, and other essential details. The PDF link is given below.

IDBI SO Salary Details Click Here

The allowances and Perks to the IDBI SO Salary Medical Officers[regular part-time] are as under

  • The allowances viz. Grade Allowance, Dearness Allowance, Housing allowance, and Fixed Personal pay are payable as p applicability to all BMOS of the Bank, which is payable proportionate to the duty hours.
  • The perquisites/facilities available to BMOS - Reimbursement made towards LFC, Telephone Charges, and Conveyance allowance, which is payable proportionate to the duty hours.

The IDBI SO Salary allowances and Perks to staff are as under

The allowances viz. Special Allowance, Dearness Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance, Family Allowance, and Transport Allowance are payable as per applicability to all staff of the Bank


⭐What is the salary of the IDBI SO post?

The minimum basic pay of IDBI SO Salary 2022 Grade A is Rs 23,700 excluding DA, HRA & other allowances

⭐What is the IDBI SO salary in hand?

In the scale of 36200-1200(11)-49400-1500(6)-58400 (18 years) [Pre-revised] Total pre-revised emoluments for Grade E at Metro centers is approx. Rs.1.57 Lakh p.m(for General Manager, Grade ‘E’)

⭐How many vacancies are there in the IDBI SO recruitment 2023?

There will be total of 100+ vacancies for AGM and DGM.

⭐How can I Download IDBI SO Salary details in PDF?

You can download PDF for the IDBI SO Salary from the above section.



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