JET Agriculture Syllabus 2024 | ICAR | PDF Download, Exam Pattern




Written Exam


Indian Council of Agricultural Research

Exam Mode

Online (CBT)

Exam Level

12th (Intermediate)

Exam Type

Objective (MCQ)

Paper Medium

Hindi & English (Except language subject)

Total Question


Total Marks


Total Time (Minutes)


Correct Answer (Marks)


Negative Marking


Cut Off Marks

Subject Details

Name Qsn Marks
Agriculture 40 160
Physics 40 160
Biology 40 160

1. 📖Agriculture

Total Qsn 40 Total Marks- 160

The syllabus for agriculture covers a wide range of topics that are essential for understanding the science of farming. One of the key areas of focus is weather and climate, which has a significant impact on crop production. Students will also learn about irrigation techniques and arid agriculture, which are critical for growing crops in dry regions. Crop rotation and weed management are other important topics that will be covered in this course.

Soil and nutrient management is also a crucial aspect of agriculture, and students will learn about different types of fertilizers, water drainage systems, and agricultural machinery. Seed and agronomy will be discussed in detail, along with the production of various crops such as pulses, cereals, oilseeds, fodder, cash crops, and fiber crops. Organic farming methods will also be explored.

In addition, the syllabus will cover orchard management, with a special focus on fruit crops such as mango, citrus, banana, guava, pomegranate, papaya, grapes, amia, ber, date palm, and bael. Students will study the botanical names, families, climate, soil requirements, and improved varieties of these crops, along with their propagation, planting, manure, fertilizer, irrigation, weeding, and yield management. Plant protection techniques will also be discussed.

Other areas of focus in the syllabus include vegetable cultivation, nursery management, ornamental gardening, flower cultivation, spices, medicinal plants, mushroom cultivation, post-harvest techniques, and preservation of fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Animal breeding, nutrition, and health will also be covered, along with feed preservation, milking methods, and general medicine for animals. The course will explore various livestock such as cows, buffalos, sheep, camels, and poultry. Students will also learn about bio-waste management in agriculture and the role of government in regulating the industry.

2. 📖Physics

Total Qsn 40 Total Marks- 160

Topics in Physics, starting with the physical world and the importance of units and measurements. Kinematics and motion in a plane are discussed in detail, along with dynamics and the laws of motion. The dynamics of uniform circular motion, work, energy, and power are also important concepts covered in the syllabus. Students will learn about the system of particles and rotational motion.

Gravitation and properties of bulk matter such as mechanical properties of solids and fluids, viscosity, and thermal properties of matter are also part of the syllabus. Thermodynamics, the behavior of perfect gases, and the kinetic theory of gases are discussed in detail. Mechanical waves, oscillations, and waves, wave motion, ray optics, and scattering of light are also covered in the syllabus.

Electrostatics, Gauss's law, and its applications, electrostatic potential and capacitance, current electricity, and electronics and communication are part of the syllabus. Magnetic effects of current and magnetism and matter are also important topics. Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents, electromagnetic waves, and dual nature of matter and radiation are covered in the syllabus, along with atomic and nuclear physics.

3. 📖Biology

Total Qsn 40 Total Marks- 160

The syllabus for this course covers a broad range of topics related to plants and animals. The first section focuses on plant biology, starting with taxonomy and classification of plants, followed by a study of the morphology and anatomy of angiosperms, including external morphology and plant tissue. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants is also covered, as well as the unit of life, the cell, and related topics such as cell division, genetics, and plant physiology. Transport in plants, including the ascent of sap and mineral nutrition, as well as enzymes, respiration, and photosynthesis, are also included. The ecology and environment are discussed, with a focus on environmental issues, forest resources, and biodiversity. Economic botany and human welfare are explored, with topics such as millets, cereals, oilseeds, medicinal plants, spices, fruits, cash crops, and fibres. Biotechnology and its applications are also covered, including principles and processes, essential equipment, and plant tissue culture. The course also addresses major diseases of crops and their control, including classification of diseases, and diseases of Kharif crops, Rabi crops, and Fruit crops in Rajasthan. The animal kingdom is also studied, beginning with the taxonomy and classification of animals, followed by a study of body organization and animal tissue, external and internal morphology, and internal structure of animals. The course includes invertebrates such as protozoa, helminths, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, and honey bees, and methods of insect control. Vertebrates are also studied, with topics such as nutrition, respiration, circulation, reproductive system, and reproduction and development.



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