Parts Salespersons Salary NYC 2024 - Entry Pay Level (Hourly, Monthly & Yearly)

The annual salary for Parts Salespersons in New York is $42,320, which equates to $20.25 per hour. The monthly salary for this position in the city is $3,526. The wage in NYC is 11.18% more than the national average for Parts Salespersons. The starting salary for this position in New York City is $32,670 annually. Entry-level positions offer Parts Salespersons a salary of $42,830. For experienced professionals, the pay for Parts Salespersons increases to $59,945.

Please see the information below for details on Parts Salesperson's salaries in NYC (New York City).

Top Paying Sectors (Industries) for Parts Salesperson's Salary in NYC

The average salary of Parts Salespersons in New York City consists of an 89% base salary and up to 11% in additional compensation. The highest-paying sectors in NYC are Supplies Merchant Wholesalers, and Automobile Dealers, offering salaries of $56,260 per annum and $52,200 per annum respectively. For a single person, the salary of a Parts Salespersons is sufficient to cover the cost of living. However, for a family of four, the standard cost of living exceeds the salary after post-tax deductions.

Year of Experience Salary
1 $41,000
2 $44,200
3 $47,400
4 $50,600
5 $53,800
6 $57,000
7 $60,200
8 $63,400
9 $66,600
10+ $69,800

Top Paying Jobs Parts Salespersons Salary in New York City (NYC)

The Parts Salespersons sector in New York City is part of a larger United States (US) network that employs around 155K individuals. It’s one of the largest employment sectors, with thousands of Parts Salespersons working across various organizations and sectors within the city. Some companies are known to be top payers in this sector:

Company Parts Salespersons Salary 
Apple $75,245
Google $70,365
Microsoft $65,750
Amazon $60,420
IBM $55,960
Intel $50,430
Oracle $40,620

Comparing NYC Parts Salesperson's Salary to Top US Cities

According to Sarkari Naukri Exams, New York City offers Parts Salespersons in the United States (US) the highest salary. However, other locations also offer impressive salaries. For example, in Sioux Falls, SD, the annual salary is $52,440. The yearly salaries in Bangor, ME, and Rapid City, SD are $52,200 and $50,240, respectively. Other top-paying locations include Billings, MT, Odessa, TX, Hammond, LA, and Rocky Mount, NC.

Parts Salesperson's Salary in Top Paying States US

Parts Salespersons can earn high salaries in several U.S. states, such as North Dakota, New York, Washington, Colorado, Oregon, California, and South Dakota. However, it’s important to remember that a higher salary doesn’t always equate to a better lifestyle. While these places might offer more pay, the cost of living, including expenses for groceries, housing, and other necessities, could also be higher. Therefore, a larger paycheck doesn’t necessarily mean a better quality of life.

Skills to Boost Parts Salesperson's Salary in NYC

In New York (NY), Parts Salespersons require various skills, certifications, and areas of study. Essential skills include Communication, Collaboration, Problem-Solving, Active Listening, and Negotiation, among others. They may hold certifications such as ASE, AAIA, and Manufacturer. Common fields of study for these professionals include Automotive Technology/Mechanics, Technical Programs, Business Administration/Sales, Marketing, and others.

Parts Salespersons Salary NYC 2024 FAQs

⭐What is the average salary for Parts Salespersons in New York City?

The annual salary for Parts Salespersons in NYC is $42,320, which translates to $20.25 per hour.

⭐What's the starting salary for a Parts Salesperson in NYC?

Starting salaries for Parts Salespersons in New York City can begin at around $32,670 annually.

⭐How much can an experienced Parts Salesperson make in NYC?

Experienced Parts Salespersons in NYC can see their salaries climb to $59,945.

⭐What skills are important for Parts Salespersons in NYC?

Strong communication, collaboration, problem-solving, active listening, and negotiation skills are all essential for Parts Salespersons in New York City.

⭐What certifications can benefit a Parts Salesperson in NYC?

In Parts Salesperson includes certifications like ASE, AAIA, and manufacturer-specific certifications.

⭐What are some other top-paying locations for Parts Salespersons in the US?

In Sioux Falls, SD, the annual salary is $52,440. Additionally, Bangor, ME, and Rapid City, SD offer yearly salaries of $52,200 and $50,240, respectively.

⭐In which U.S. states can Parts Salespersons earn high salaries?

Parts Salespersons can earn lucrative salaries in various states such as North Dakota, Washington, Colorado, Oregon, California, and South Dakota.



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