
(1) The function of Hemoglobin is:Chandigarh Police-2013

(2) The founder of the Sikh state in Punjab was ______.

(3) How many sectors are in Chandigarh? Chandigarh-

(4) Chandigarh Police Head Quarter is in which sector Chandigarh -

(5) The 2015 cricket world cup is scheduled to be held in which country? Chandigarh -

(6) Swine flu is caused be a 1) 2) 3) 4) Chandigarh -

(7) Which attribute for promotion has received the highest rank?JK Bank -2019

(8) Which attribute for promotion has received the highest rank? | पदोन्नति के लिए किस विशेषता को सर्वोच्च रैंक प्राप्त हुआ है?JK Bank -2019

(9) How many employees gave rank III to intelligence? JK Bank -2019

(10) Which attribute is considered the least important for promotion? JK Bank -2019