
(1) Choose the correct form of tense for the given sentence: Vishnu wants to work in Japan, so he is Japanese. MPPEB -2017

(2) Choose the correct form of expression to complete the sentence: Sadly, our new product has faced a total_________ of consumer interest. MPPEB-2017

(3) Choose appropriate articles for the given sentence: She went to market, purchased__________.few groceries and__________ a kilogram of apples and then went homeMPPEB-2017

(4) Complete the sentence choosing the right option: oil paints are_______ they have become the popular painters' colors. MPPEB-2017

(5) Choose the correct form of tense for the given sentence: My father______every morning in the fresh air. 1. 2. 3. 4.MPPEB-2018

(6) Spot the error in the given sentence: The young boy broke the window by hitting it with a cricket ball. MPPEB-2018

(7) Select the suitable conjunction to complete the sentence: Piyush played very well____won the appreciation of all. MPPEB-2018

(8) Choose the correct form of the modal auxiliary verb for the given sentence: Do you think we_______walk faster so that we reach the station on time to catch the train? MPPEB-2018

(9) Choose the most suitable prefix for the given sentence: Stonehenge is a____historic monument located in Salisbury, England. MPPEB-2018

(10) Choose the most suitable determiner for the given sentence: Is there____letter for me in the bunch of letters you are holding? MPPEB-2018

(11) Fill in the blank with the progressive tense (continuous tense) of the verb from the given options: My neighbors_________us every day. MPPEB-2018

(12) Choose the appropriate preposition to complete the given sentence. The cat jumped______the table. MPPEB-2018

(13) Choose the appropriate verb to complete the given sentence. We seem_____a problem with the radio. MPPEB-2018

(14) Choose the option with the appropriate punctuation inserted in the given sentence. Did you understand why I was upset MPPEB-2018

(15) Choose the correct form of the verb that is in agreement with the subject: I _____to dance, but now I ______ MPPEB-2018

(16) Give the noun form of the underlined word in the given sentence: His generous will never be forgotten. MPPEB-2018

(17) Choose the appropriate preposition for the given sentence. ________All the players, Kiran is the best all-rounder. MPPEB-2018

(18) Choose the appropriate articles to complete the given sentence. Mumbai is____a very costly place to live in. It is one of _______the most thriving business centers in the country. MPPEB-2018

(19) Choose the appropriate articles to complete the given sentence. I have not seen Ravi since he was______ teenager. He is______ honorable man. MPPEB-2018

(20) Choose the option with the appropriate punctuation inserted in the given sentence: You need three documents your passport your driving licence and a bank statement MPPEB-2018