UP SI Salary 2025: Grade Pay, Pay Scale, Perks, & Promotions

UP SI Salary 2024: The basic pay for SI Salary in UP is ₹35,400/- to ₹1,12,400/- per month. The UPSI salary level is 06 and the pay band is PB-2 (9300 to 34800). The UPSI grade pay is 4200 with an entry pay amount of ₹13750. Apart from the basic pay scale, a sub inspector salary in UP includes various allowances like DA, HRA, Food Allowances, Travel Allowances, Uniform, Washing allowances, and more. The UPSI salary during the training period is ₹3500 per month, but currently, there are talks to increase the training salary to basic pay and DA. During the training period of 1 year, none of the allowances are given with the UPSI training salary. After the completion of training, the UPSI salary in hand will be ₹54488. If we consider the current UPSI Salary allowances and deductions, the maximum salary after 40 years of service will be ₹167216 as per the 7th CPC Pay Matrix. Check more details about the daroga salary in UP, UP SI salary slip, promotion, and calculator below.

UP SI Salary Per Month, Grade Pay, Pay Scale & Pay Matrix

UP दरोगा की सैलरी: UP दरोगा की सैलरी कितनी होती है: UP सब इंस्पेक्टर सैलरी के लिए मूल वेतन ₹35,400/- से ₹1,12,400/- प्रति माह है। यूपीएसआई वेतन स्तर 06 है और वेतन बैंड पीबी-2 (9300 से 34800) है। UP दरोगा ग्रेड  पे 4200 है और प्रवेश वेतन राशि ₹13750 है। मूल वेतनमान के अलावा, यूपी में एक सब इंस्पेक्टर के वेतन में डीए, एचआरए, खाद्य भत्ते, यात्रा भत्ते, वर्दी, धुलाई भत्ते और अन्य जैसे विभिन्न भत्ते शामिल हैं। प्रशिक्षण अवधि के दौरान UPSI वेतन ₹3500 प्रति माह है, लेकिन वर्तमान में प्रशिक्षण वेतन को मूल वेतन और डीए तक बढ़ाने की बात चल रही है। 1 वर्ष की प्रशिक्षण अवधि के दौरान, यूपीएसआई ट्रेनिंग सैलरी के साथ कोई भी भत्ता नहीं दिया जाता है। ट्रैनिन पूरा होने के बाद, हाथ में पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर सैलरी UP ₹54488 होगा। यदि हम वर्तमान UP SI वेतन भत्तों और कटौतियों पर विचार करें, तो 40 साल की सेवा के बाद 7वें सीपीसी पे मैट्रिक्स के अनुसार अधिकतम वेतन ₹167216 होगा। यूपी में दरोगा वेतन, यूपी एसआई वेतन स्लिप, पदोन्नति और कैलकुलेटर के बारे में अधिक विवरण नीचे देखें।

Starting Sub Inspector Salary in UP, In Hand Amount

UP SI Salary Details
Pay Level (वेतन स्तर) 06
Pay Band (वेतन बैंड) PB-2 (9300 to 34800)
Grade Pay (ग्रेड वेतन) ₹4200
Pay Scale (वेतनमान) ₹35,400 - ₹1,12,400
Basic Pay (मूल वेतन) ₹35400
Transport Allowance (यातायात भत्ता) ₹200 - ₹800
Dearness Allowance (महंगाई भत्ता) ₹14868
KMA (केएमए) ₹188
HRA (9-27% Of Basic) (आवास भत्ता) ₹3285 - ₹9855
Medical Allowance (चिकित्सा भत्ता) ₹0
Food Allowance (भोजन भत्ता) ₹1875
Special Pay (विशेष वेतन) ₹0
Net Pay (Monthly) (मासिक नेट वेतन) ₹54488

UPSI Salary in Training Period

UPSI Training Details
Training Period (प्रशिक्षण अवधि) 12 Months
Training Location (प्रशिक्षण स्थल) District Police HQ
Basic Pay (मूल वेतन) ₹3540
Dearness Allowance (महंगाई भत्ता) ₹0
Transport Allowance (यातायात भत्ता) ₹0
Grade Pay (ग्रेड वेतन) ₹0
House Rent Allowance (आवास भत्ता) ₹0
Medical Allowance (चिकित्सा भत्ता) ₹0
Dress Allowance (वस्त्र भत्ता) ₹0
Special Pay (विशेष वेतन) ₹0
Net Pay (Monthly) (प्रशिक्षण मासिक नेट वेतन) ₹3540
 Note (1): UP Police Sub Inspectors (SIs) got just ₹3500 as a stipend during their one-year training. Now, because of a High court case, trainees will receive their full salary plus the current Dearness Allowance (DA). Official confirmation regading this has been not made rolled by the UPPRB yet.

UP SI Promotion: Process, Highest Posts, Time & Chart

UP SI promotion starts with Inspector (Daroga) posts, where as highest promotion of sub inspector can go upto DSP or ASP. In very rare case any UPSI can be promoted directly to Superintendent of Police (SP). The UPSI Promotion process is based on good service records, year of experience, and word credibility. Check the details of si promotion in up with time, and salary from the below.

 UPSI Promotions (Time)

Rank Promotion (Time)
Sub Inspector Joining
Inspector (Daroga) After 7-10 Year
Circle Officer (CO)/DSP After 16-18 Years
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) After 25-28 Years
Superintendent of Police (SP) Only Special Cases

 UPSI Promotions & Salary 

Rank Pay Scale
Sub Inspector ₹35400 –112400, Grade Pay 4200
Inspector ₹44900–142400, Grade Pay 4600
Circle Officer (CO)/DSP ₹56100 –177500, Grade Pay 5400
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) ₹67700 –208700, Grade Pay 6600
Superintendent of Police (SP) ₹78800 – 209200, Grade Pay 7600

What are Deductions of SI Salary in UP?

 UP SI Salary Deductions:

NPS Yes, (Max: 10% Of Basic Pay+DA)
PF Yes, (Max: 12% Of Basic Pay)
Income Tax Applicable (As Per ITR)
GPA ₹0/-

What are Allowances of UPSI Salary?

 UPSI Salary Allowances:

DA  42% Of Basic Pay
HRA  9%-27% Of Basic
TA ₹200800/-
WA  ₹188/-
Food Allowance ₹1800+
Special Duty Allowance (Elections & Other) Yes
City Conveyance Allowance As Per Claim
Kit Maintenance Allowance As Per Claim
Supplementary Welfare Allowance As Per Claim
Hill Allowance As Per Location
Bilingual Allowance As Per Location
Physical Handicap Allowance As Per Claim
Medical Allowance Yes
Computer Allowance Yes (If Using)
Training Allowance Yes (If Attend)
Uniform Allowance  Yes
Diwali Bonus  Yes
Insurance Cover Yes


UP SI Job Profile

 UPSI Job Profile:

  • Maintaining Law and Order

  • Investigating Crimes

  • Recording and Reporting

  • Supervising Teams

  • Traffic Management

  • Providing Security

  • Preventing Crime

  • Connecting with Community

  • Court Testimonies

  • Specialized Units

 Note (5): UPSI have a tough job, dealing with dangerous situations and working 24*7. But they feel proud and happy because they help the community and make people's lives better.

UP SI Salary 7th Pay Matrix

UP SI Pay Matrix is as per 7th CPC, and 8th CPC is expected to applicable soon. Check the details of UPSI Salary details of 7th CPC from below image.

UP SI Salary Calculator



In Hand(₹)













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