UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Salary 2024: Per Month Payment Grade Pay , Promotion & Salary Slip

UPPCL Technician (Electrical) refers to a position in the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) where individuals are responsible for the maintenance and repair of electrical systems and equipment. Technicians in this role play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of electrical infrastructure within the organization.The starting UPPCL pay scale is ₹27200/- to ₹81100/- per month. The UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Grade Pay is ₹2400, and it's a Grade A job that comes under Level 04. The UPPCL Technician (Electrical) comes under Pay Band 3, i.e., PB-1(5200-20200).
The UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Per Month is ₹39,541. This in-hand salary for the UPPCL Electrician Salary includes all allowances and deductions. Considering the current perks and deductions based on the 7th CPC, the highest UPPCL Salary in-hand can reach up to ₹93442/- after 40 years of continuous service. The overall monthly in-hand amount for all these posts of UPPCL Technician (Electrical) will be almost identical, with few variations in perks and cuts.For comprehensive details on the UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Grade Pay, and Promotions, please refer to the information provided below.
Latest Update
Big News! UPPCL Technician (Electrical) and allowances have been Increased! Use the electrical technician salary pay scale salary per month Calculator below to find out updated, year-wise in-hand salary.
यूपीपीसीएल तकनीशियन (इलेक्ट्रिकल) और भत्ते बढ़ाए गए हैं! अद्यतन, वर्ष-वार इन-हैंड वेतन जानने के लिए नीचे दिए गए विद्युत तकनीशियन वेतन वेतनमान प्रति माह कैलकुलेटर का उपयोग करें।
- UPPCL Technician (Electrical)with Grade Pay, Pay Scale, and 7th Pay
- UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Salary Slip 7th Pay Commission
- UPPCL Technician (Electrical)Salary in Hand Per Month
- UPPCL Technician Salary Allowances 2024
- UPPCL Technician SalaryDeductions 2024
- UPPCL Technician Salary 7th Pay Matrix
- UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Salary Images
UPPCL Technician (Electrical) with Grade Pay, Pay Scale, and 7th Pay
A UPPCL Technician (Electrical) at Level 04 earns a basic salary that starts at ₹27200/- and can reach up to ₹81100/-. They also get an additional ₹2400 as grade pay. Their monthly take-home salary ranges from about 39,541/- to 93442/-.Over a year, this amounts to a net salary of ₹4.7 Lakh to 11.2 Lakh . The total annual salary, including all benefits, can be between ₹5.5 Lakh to 11.9 Lakh
Check out the complete details of UPPCL Technician (Electrical) of Grade Pay 2400 detail in this table:
UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Salary Slip 7th Pay Commission
The UPPCL Technician (Electrical) pay scale salary slip shows a total monthly gross amount. There are also deductions such as PF, NPS, and Taxes. After considering all these factors, the net monthly in-hand salary of a UPPCL Technician (Electrical) is given. Please ensure to check the below sample of UPPCL Technician (Electrical) slips for accurate information:
UPPCL Technician Salary Allowances 2024
The following are some of the different types of allowances offered to UPPCL Technician employees:
Dearness Allowance (DA) | ✅ Yes (42% Of Basic Pay) |
House Rent Allowance (HRA) | ✅ Yes (08-27% Of Basic Pay) |
Transport Allowance (TA) | ✅ Yes (Rs.1500 - Rs.3,600) |
Personal Driver | ❌ No |
Subsidized canteen | ❌ No |
Leave Travel Concession | ✅ Yes (If Applicable) |
House Building Advance | ❌ No |
Uniform Uniform | ❌ No |
Special Duty Allowance (SDA) | ✅ Yes |
HRA Arear | ✅ Yes (In Applicable) |
DA on TA | ✅Yes (Rs. 1,224 or As per Norms) |
UPPCL Technician Salary Deductions 2024
Additionally, various deductions are made for positions as electrical technicians with UPPCL. Typical salary deductions include the following:
NPS | ✅ Yes (10% Of Basic Pay +DA) |
PF | ✅ Yes (Upto 12%) |
Income Tax | ✅ As Per ITR Norms |
UPPCL Technician Salary 7th Pay Matrix
The UPPCL Technician (Electrical) position, at pay level 4 of the 7th CPC pay matrix, is currently open for direct recruitment by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation. Please refer to the image below for further details.
UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Salary in Hand Per Month
Here is a summary of the annual income, daily salary, and monthly salary of an electrical technician. This in-hand UPPCL Technician (Electrical) salaries are listed without any allowances or deductions.
कुल इन हैंड सैलरी: Basic Salary + All Allowances (DA, TA, HRA/Food) - All Deduction (Income Tax, NPS, PF)
न्यूनतम इन हैंड सैलरी: 27200 (Basic Salary) + 10336 (DA) + 3693 (HRA) + 1500 (TA) - 2720 (NPS) - 3753 (PF)
न्यूनतम इन हैंड सैलरी: 27200 + 10336 + 3693 + 1500 - 2720- 3753 = Rs. 36256 per month
UPPCL Technician (Electrical) Salary Images
Here are a few significant pictures associated with UPPCL Technician Electrical Salary.

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