Pump Operator Salary NYC 2024 - New York Entry Pay Per Hour, Month & Year

In New York, Pump Operators earn an annual salary of $59,430, which equates to $28.75 per hour and a monthly income of $4,952. Compared to the national average, the salaries of Pump Operators in New York City are appro. similar. The starting annual salary for this role in the city is $37,530. Entry-level positions offer $55,930, while experienced professionals can anticipate their salary to increase to $80,295.

Please see the information below for details on Pump Operator salaries in NYC (New York City).

Top Paying Sectors (Industries) for Pump Operators Salary in NYC

The average salary for Pump Operators in New York City is composed of 89% base pay, with an additional 11% available in other forms of compensation. The sectors offering the highest salaries for this role include Building Exterior Contractors and Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil, providing annual salaries of $62,700 and $61,000 respectively. While this salary adequately covers the cost of living for a single individual, it falls short for a family of four after tax deductions.

Year of Experience Salary
1 $41,000
2 $44,200
3 $47,400
4 $50,600
5 $53,800
6 $57,000
7 $60,200
8 $63,400
9 $66,600
10+ $69,800

Top Paying Jobs Pump Operators Salary in New York City (NYC)

The Pump Operator industry in New York City, a crucial part of the US economy, employs around 38K individuals, marking it a significant employment sector. Within this industry, thousands of Pump Operators find opportunities across various sectors. Certain companies are particularly recognized for their competitive salaries. Notably, a select few companies stand out as the top payers in this field:

Company Pump Operators Salary 
AECOM $72,420
Jacobs Engineering $69,052
Consolidated Edison $68,010
New York City DEP $65,205
Suez Water $63,120
Veolia $61,104
Allied Universal $60,024

Comparing NYC Pump Operator's Salary to Top US Cities

Sarkari Naukri Exams reports that New York City has the highest salaries for Pump Operators in the US. Other locations with competitive salaries include Anchorage, AK, and Port Arthur, TX, with annual salaries of $64,590 and $62,530, respectively. Sugar Land, TX, Corpus Christi, TX, and Midland, TX, are also known for their high salary offers.

Pump Operator's Salary in Top Paying States US

Pump Operators in states like North Dakota, New Jersey, Washington, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, and Louisiana can earn significant salaries. However, a higher salary doesn’t always equate to a better lifestyle, as the cost of living can offset these earnings. Therefore, a larger salary doesn’t necessarily mean a better quality of life.

Skills to Boost Pump Operator's Salary in NYC

New York Pump Operators require skills in Operation, Mechanics, Attention to Detail, and Safety Procedures. Some may have NICET, CFPM, and API 610 Operator certifications. Their fields of study often include Sustainability, Process Technology, Manufacturing, Industrial Maintenance, and Basic Electricity.

Pump Operator Salary NYC 2024 FAQs

⭐Which states offer substantial salaries for Pump Operators in NYC?

Pump Operators in states such as North Dakota, New Jersey, Washington, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, and Louisiana may earn substantial salaries.

⭐What skills are required for Pump Operators in New York City?

Pump Operators in New York City need skills in operation, mechanics, attention to detail, and safety procedures.

⭐How much does a Pump Operator make in NYC?

On average, Pump Operators in New York City earn an annual salary of around $59,430, which translates to $4,952 per month.

⭐What are some other locations known for competitive Pump Operator salaries?

Apart from New York City, places like Sugar Land, TX, Corpus Christi, TX, and Midland, TX, offer lucrative salary packages for Pump Operators

⭐What is the starting annual salary for Pump Operators in New York City?

The starting annual salary for Pump Operators in New York City is $37,530 per year.



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