RN Salary in New York, NY – Registered Nurse NYC Average Pay Rate 2024

Registered nurses (RNs) are the caretakers and educators for patients. There are a total of 3.2 million RNs in the United States, whereas in New York, the total number of RNs is 190,470, which is 16.6% of total registered nurse employment. The average RN salary in NY is $52.14 per hour as of 2024, which is 24% more than the US national average ($42.80). The average annual base salary of an NYC RN in New York is $115,130. Apart from the base salary, NYC RNs receive bonuses which are around $2000 to $4500 per month. Registered nurses with different degrees, like BSN, ASN, and ADN, receive different pay ranges.

Check out the complete details of the RN salary in NY and pay structure below:

Registered Nurse Salary New York

As per the BLS, the salary of government-registered nurses is the highest, followed by hospital staff, ambulatory healthcare, nursing, and educational services. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $79,430, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $157,245. General medical and surgical hospitals industries have the highest employment opportunities throughout New York, which has an average pay of around $55.14 per hour. Registered nurses typically have to work 30-35 hours per week.

Company Size Estimated Salary
Small (1-50 Employees) $72,000 - $85,000
Medium (51-200 Employees) $75,000 - $95,000
Large (201-500 Employees) $80,000 - $105,000
Enterprise (500+ Employees) $85,000 - $130,660+

Registered Nurse (RN) Salary in NYC vs. Other Metros (2024)

San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA has the highest salary for Registered Nurses, with $80.79 per hour and an annual salary of $168,055. In contrast, NYC Registered Nurses can make $52.14 per hour and $115,130 per year. Check the complete details from the following table:.

Industry Hourly ($) Annual ($)
SF Bay Area, CA $80.79 $168,055
San Jose Area, CA $78.48 $163,220
Vallejo-Fairfield, CA $77.64 $161,507
Santa Rosa, CA $74.12 $154,173
Santa Cruz Area, CA $73.44 $152,745
Napa, CA $71.79 $149,328
Sacramento Area, CA $71.22 $148,135
Modesto, CA $67.92 $141,280
Stockton Area, CA $63.93 $132,977
Chico, CA $62.00 $128,948
New York City $52.14 $115,130

Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers pays highest salary for Registrered Nurses in comparision to any other industries. This industry pays handsome amount of $64.90 per month, with Anual average of $134976. Check completed details from following table

Industry Hourly ($) Annual ($)
Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers $64.90 $134,976
Pharmaceutical & Medicine Manufacturing $63.62 $132,338
Nonscheduled Air Transportation $62.98 $130,990
Employment Services $62.92 $130,865
Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods (4242 and 4246 only) $61.94 $128,832

Registered Nurse Salary in NY Top Organisations

Organization General RN 
NYU Langone Health $80,000 - $120,000
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital $75,000 - $125,000
Lenox Hill Hospital $70,000 - $115,000
Mount Sinai Hospital $75,000 - $120,000
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center $85,000 - $130,000
Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY) $70,000 - $90,000
NYC Health Department $65,000 - $90,000
Mount Sinai School of Nursing $75,000 - $100,000 (Instructors)
Good Shepherd Services $65,000 - $90,000
Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone $80,000 - $120,000

Registered Nurse (RN) Salary New York vs. The US

State Yearly Income
New York $115,130
California $135,320
Hawaii $114,210
Oregon $107,710
Massachusetts $106,530
Alaska $105,510

Top Certifications and Skill to Boost RN Salary in NY 2024

NY RN Salary Boosters: Certification Edition

Cert Focus
CCRN Critical Care (ICU, ER)
NP Master’s Level Practice
CRNA Anesthesia Expert (Dr. Level)
CNE Nursing Education Guru
NE-BC Nurse Boss Lady

Specialty Stars:

Cert Focus
CVRN Heart & Vessel Hero
OCN Cancer Care Champion
WOCN Wound & Ostomy Whisperer
NNP Tiny Human Protector
PMHN Mind Master

A registered nurse’s performance relies on a variety of skills. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Critical-thinking skills
  2. Communication skills
  3. Compassion
  4. Attention to detail
  5. Emotional stability 
  6. Organizational skills 
  7. Physical stamina

RN Salary NYC 2024 FAQs

⭐What’s the proportion of RNs in New York compared to the entire US?

Out of the 3.2 million RNs in the US, New York is home to 190,470. This means that for every 16 RNs in the US, one is working in New York.

⭐What is the RN Salary in New York compare to the national average?

An RN in New York earns an hourly wage of $52.14, which is a quarter more than the national average of $42.80. Annually, this amounts to $115,130.

⭐Are there any additional financial incentives for RNs in New York?

Yes, RNs in NYC not only earn a base salary but also receive monthly bonuses that range from $2000 to $4500.

⭐Does the educational background of an RN impact their salary?

Indeed, the degree an RN holds, whether it’s a BSN, ASN, or ADN, can influence their pay scale.

⭐What’s the salary distribution of Registered Nurses in New York?

The salary of Registered Nurse in New York varies widely. According to the BLS, while the bottom 10% earn less than $79,430, the top 10% take home more than $157,245.

⭐How can  Registered Nurses enhance their salary in NY?

Registered Nurses can augment their salary by acquiring specific certifications like CCRN, NP, CRNA, CNE, NE-BC. Specializing in areas like CVRN, OCN, WOCN, NNP, PMHN can also prove beneficial.



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