
Lilliana Ketchman – Age (15), Height, Boyfriend, Brother, Real Name, Biography

Lilliana Ketchman, also known as Lilly K, was born on June 23, 2008, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States. She is 15 years old. She has been active since 2015. She follows Christianity as a religion. Her Zodiac sign is Cancer. She is famous for her appearances on Lifetime’s Dance Moms and YouTube videos.

Lilliana Ketchman’s height is around 5’ 2" and she has brown eyes. She received her high school education from Campaneria Ballet School. At present, she is not married. Her nationality is American. The main source of her income comes from YouTube ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. Her net worth is estimated to be around $2.5M.

Social Media Profiles

Social Media Followers(Approx)
🔗 Youtube 4.04 Millions(M)
🔗 Instagram 3.4 Millions(M)
🔗 Facebook 14 Thousands(K)
🔗 Twitter 9 Thousands(K)

Lilliana Ketchman: Age, Net Worth, Dance, Boyfriend, Instagram, Family

Information Details
Name Lilliana Ketchman
Nick Name Lilly K
Profession YouTuber, model, and dancer
Category Entertainment
Active Year 2015
Age 15 years
Birth Date June 23, 2008
Birth Place Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
Religion Christianity
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Female
Nationality American
Famous For Appearances on Lifetime's Dance Moms and YouTube videos
Country United States
Income Source YouTube ad revenue, sponsorships, merchandise sales
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Height 5' 2"
Weight 100 lbs
Body Measure 32-24-34
Eye Color Brown
School Campaneria Ballet School
Education High school
Marital Status Single
Family Background Father is a piano player and psychologist, mother is a psychologist and dancer
Location Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
Income Source Array
Yearly Income $650K
Net Worth $2.5M

Lilliana Ketchman Family Info


Stacey Ketchman



Christopher Ketchman



Caden Ketchman


Lilliana Ketchman hails from a close-knit family, featuring her mother, Stacey Ketchman, who is not only a dedicated parent but also a psychologist and dancer. Complementing the familial dynamics is her father, Christopher Ketchman, a multi-talented individual who excels as both a piano player and a psychologist. Adding to the familial tapestry is Lilliana's older brother, Caden Ketchman, contributing to the rich and supportive environment that shapes Lilliana's life and endeavors.

Lilliana Ketchman Career Timeline Biography, Wiki

2008: Lilliana Ketchman was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
2010: She started dancing when she was two years old.
2015: She started a YouTube channel where she shares videos of her dancing, cooking, fashion tips, and fun games.
2016: She joined a dance reality show called Dance Moms when she was seven years old.
2017: She joined a top dance team and won first place in a national competition.
2018: She released her first song called “Underneath.”
2019: She was in a music video for a song called “Chandelier” by Sia.
2020: She was on TV shows like Game of Me, Evil Lives Here, and The Truth About Santa Claus.
2021: She started her own fashion brand called Lilly K Designs.
2022: Teen Vogue recognized her as one of the top 21 young people under 21 years old for her work in dance, fashion, and social media.
2023: She continued to dance, act, and model. She also has a big following on social media, with over 3 million people subscribed to her YouTube channel.

Lilliana Ketchman Net Worth 2024, Income, Salary, Brand

Earning Source Earnings
YT Lilliana Ketchman Adsense(Yearly) $57 K
YT Brand Promo(Yearly) $70K
Show and Music(Yearly) $650K
Acting and Modeling(Yearly) $998K
Sponsorships(Yearly) $358K
Merchandise Sales(Yearly) $248K
Total Net Worth(Lifetime) $2.5M

Above table shows earnings for one year only. Earnings for 1 years is given below.

In 2024, Lilliana Ketchman has $2.5 million. She earns from YouTube, brand promotions, shows, music, acting, modeling, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. She’s a successful influencer in entertainment.

We've worked hard to make sure the information is accurate and up-to-date. We'd love to hear your feedback if you find anything that could be improved!

Image Source: Instagram

Data Source: YouTube, Google, Insta, Twitter, Reputed News Media and More...


Lilliana Ketchman Net Worth, Biography Wiki FAQs

⭐How old is Lilliana Ketchman?

Lilliana Ketchman, also known as Lilly K, was born on June 23, 2008, making her 15 years old.

⭐Who is Caden Ketchman?

Caden Ketchman is presumably a member of the Ketchman family, but specific information about him is not readily available.

⭐Who is Christopher Ketchman?

Christopher Ketchman is presumably a member of the Ketchman family, but specific information about him is not readily available.

⭐What is Lilliana Ketchman's height?

Lilliana Ketchman's height is approximately 5 feet 2 inches.

⭐Does Lilliana Ketchman have a boyfriend?

Information regarding Lilliana Ketchman's relationship status, including whether she has a boyfriend, is not readily available.



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